TV Lists

10 Best Steven Universe Episodes Ranked


  • Steven Universe
    explores themes that many kid shows shy away from, making it a groundbreaking and relatable cartoon.

  • The show combines stunning visuals with science-fiction elements, while also providing excellent representation of LGBTQ+ relationships.
  • Each episode of
    Steven Universe
    keeps the story fresh and entertaining, with standout moments that delve into its characters and deliver unforgettable plot twists.



Steven Universe has consistently produced incredible episodes, some of which rank higher than others when it comes to plot, execution, and world-building. Steven Universe has been integral in examining core themes that many kid shows shy away from. The writing in Steven Universe is done so well that it’s easy to forget the show largely caters to kids. The beloved cartoon is groundbreaking for its timely storylines, but it also stands out for portraying its characters in a nuanced and complex manner.

Steven Universe excellently combines science-fiction with stunning visuals while unflinchingly tackling themes that most kids’ shows don’t. Steven Universe‘s exploration of LGBTQ+ relationships served as a great example for othercartoons. The show is about love, family, and friendship, making it relatable for a range of viewers. Throughout its five seasons, Steven Universe sticks to what makes it good, but it does so in a way that ensures it isn’t stagnant or repetitive.

10 “Fusion Cuisine” (Season 1, Episode 32)

Steven Universe

Steven Universe season 1, episode 32, “Fusion Cuisine,” dives into a family plot that explores the depths of its characters. When Steven is invited for dinner at Connie’s and asked to bring his mom, he has no idea what to do. Ultimately, he takes his three moms fused into one. When they finally get to Connie’s, the most bizarre and hilarious dinner ensues. The episode heavily relies on portraying the characters as a little naive to further its plot. This in itself doesn’t make it the best episode Steven Universe has come up with. However, its humorous portrayal of family dynamics still lands it among the best installments.

9 “The Answer” (Season 2, Episode 22)

Steven Universe

Steven Universe season 2, episode 22, “The Answer,” digs into the romantic relationships of its characters. On Steven’s birthday, Garnet explains to him how Sapphire and Ruby met and eventually fused. In a flashback to 5,750 years ago on Earth, a young Sapphire is tasked with ending the rebellions going on in the city. Using her powers, she predicts that she and seven other crystal gems will die at the hands of the rebels. Sapphire readily accepts her fate, but Ruby doesn’t. Ruby instead fuses with Sapphire, creating the strange-looking gem, Garnet.

Related: 10 Great Representations of LGBTQ+ Couples From Western Animation

Steven Universe is one of the first kids’ cartoons to feature queer relationships and characters, and the way Sapphire and Ruby are portrayed offers excellent and realistic representation. “The Answer” also has a fairytale feeling to it, making the flashback of Ruby and Sapphire’s first meeting even more enjoyable. The fact that the episode shows how anyone can feel lost and still do their best to love themselves makes it incredibly relatable. Additionally, the installment shows that there’s more to Garnet than first meets the eye.

8 “Hit The Diamond” (Season 3, Episode 9)

Ruby and Sapphire in Stephen Universe

Season 3, episode 9 of Steven Universe, aptly titled “Hit the Diamond,” focuses on a baseball match between Steven’s group of friends and five Rubies from the Homeworld that are sent to Delmarva to find the Earth leader. This episode stands out for several reasons. It smartly highlights the show’s most important themes: Ruby and Sapphire’s relationship and the growing bond between the Crystal Gems. “Hit the Diamond” also uses a simplistic storytelling method while taking advantage of the baseball for silly jokes. It’s funny and has great world-building but still manages to not take itself too seriously.

7 “Bismuth” (Season 3, Episode 24)

Bismuth in Steven Universe

While rummaging around in Lion’s Mane, Steven discovers a Crystal Gem called Bismuth that’s thought to be lost by his friends. Bismuth is entertaining — if a little aggressive — but she has a personality that fits right in with the tightly-knit friend group. Garnet and Pearl are happy to see their old friend, but from the start, there is something that seems a bit off about Bismuth. “Bismuth” starts as a fun reunion between old friends, but this episode takes on a darker tone as it delves deeper into the reason Bismuth was in Lion’s Mane.

The world-building and animation in “Bismuth” is simply stunning. The way the story slowly builds to its gut-wrenching ending is a testament to how skilled the writers of Steven Universe are — and why the show has become so successful. As a character, Bismuth holds her own. She raises enough suspicion from the beginning to validate the episode’s ending. Steven is also a standout. The way he takes a stand for what is right and disagrees with Bismuth — but does so in a kind and gentle way — shows just why the character is so beloved.

6 “We Need To Talk” (Season 2, Episode 9)

A band playing in Steven Universe

“We Need to Talk” is the perfect title for this Steven Universe season 2 episode that delves into Steven’s family life. The installment explains how Rose and Greg met, and the reason for Steven’s conception is teased. “We Need to Talk” is a standout episode, not only for its title — which perfectly sums up what the episode is about — but also for the way the story is crafted. “We Need to Talk” does an excellent job of using different storytelling elements to explore unconventional relationships in a way that can be easily understood by the show’s younger audience.

5 “Log Date 7 15 2” (Season 3, Episode 4)

Two people dancing in Steven Universe

Fusion is something Steven Universe explores throughout its five seasons, but “Log Date 7 15 2” is integral to explaining why Garnet chooses to live her life in fusion instead of as Sapphire and Ruby. “Log Date 7 15 2” is one of the show’s most important episodes because it taps into relationship topics that aren’t typically addressed in kids’ shows. The episode teaches the importance of friendship and acceptance in a way that is subtle but effective.

Related: Steven Universe: 10 Funniest Running Gags, Ranked

4 “Giant Woman” (Season 1, Episode 12)

Woman holding a bow and arrow in Steven Universe

Steven Universe season 1, episode 12, “Giant Woman,” introduces Steven to a new character: Opal. However, Opal isn’t really a stranger, as she is a fusion of Amethyst and Pearl. “Giant Woman” features elements Steven Universe is beloved for, as it has the perfect combination of amazing music, epic fight scenes, and meaningful character interactions. It also teases what’s to come in future episodes of the show.

3 “Mr. Greg” (Season 3, Episode 12)

Steven Universe

“Mr. Greg” is a hugely fun, delightful, and easy episode of Steven Universe with a musical twist. This installment explores the relationship between Greg and Pearl, but it does so through songwriting and stunning animation. “Mr. Greg” is integral to portraying how Greg and Pearl deal with their feelings after Rose’s death. The songs provide a gut-wrenching experience that tugs at the heartstrings. The episode does a great job of letting the characters explore their complex emotions while maintaining the stunning imagery that Steven Universe is known for.

2 “A Single Pale Rose” (Season 5, Episode 18)

Someone touching another person's belly in Steven Universe

One of the greatest mysteries of Steven Universe is Pearl’s past. “A Single Pale Rose” starts as many Steven Universe episodes do, with a simple plot that unravels into something deeper. Steven has always been curious about Pearl’s past, but she keeps her secrets close. In “A Single Pearl Rose,” Pearl finally shows Steven what transpired in her past. When her phone gets lost in her gem, she sends Steven in to look for it. While Steven is deep in Pearl’s mind, he uncovers his mother’s true identity.

“A Single Pearl Rose” contains one of Steven Universe‘s greatest plot twists. Rose’s identity was hugely debated while the show aired, and this installment answered viewers’ questions. The way the story unfolds and ends in a satisfying climax is one of its many strengths. It set the stage for the remaining episodes of the season, as each of the characters must deal with their feelings toward Rose. It’s also an important episode for Steven. He finally confronts his mixed feelings about his mother, but he does it in a way that shows how far he’s come since Steven Universe season 1.

1 Jail Break (Season 1, Episode 49)

Characters huddled together in Steven Universe

“Jail Break” is easily the best episode of Steven Universe. When Steven’s friends are trapped on Jasper’s ship, Steven attempts to rescue them but ends up discovering that Garnet is a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire. “Jail Break” features an epic fight with a musical score that perfectly sets the scene. The plot twist in this season 1 installment is excellently done, and it sets up a satisfying ending to the show’s first outing.

“Jail Break” was instrumental in paving the way for Steven Universe‘s success.It showed viewers there was more to this show and what it could become. The episode is a demonstration of how love and friendship can be depicted in ways that do not come off as preachy.Steven Universe may be a cartoon meant for kids, but its many layers have proved that a cartoon could be entertaining while tackling serious and important themes.


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