TV Lists

10 Invincible Comic Characters We Can’t Wait To Meet In Season 2

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for the Invincible comics.




  • Invincible season 2 is set to introduce a wide range of new characters from the comics.
  • The show deviates from the source material, making slight changes to characters and events, creating an element of surprise for both new and longtime fans.
  • The show will continue to expand its universe and bring more elements from the original Invincible comics.

Invincible season 2 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting TV events of the year, introducing viewers to a slew of hotly anticipated characters from the comics. Adapting Image Comic’s legendary line of the same name, Invincible follows the story of Mark Grayson, a half-alien superhero. Invincible season 1 brought the comic books to life, starting with the excellent portrayal of Mark, his family, and the high-powered but grisly world they inhabit.

The first twoInvincible season 2 trailers have given audiences a taste of what’s to come, hinting at which storylines and new Invincible characters from the comics will be adapted next. Invincible hasn’t followed the source material precisely beat for beat. Though most of the changes were positively received by longtime readers of the comic, the show’s penchant for slightly altering characters and moving around events in the timeline means that even they won’t know exactly what to expect next. The new Invincible cast members introduced thus far leave a lot to be excited for.

10 The Shapesmith

A new recruit to Invincible’s freshly-formed iteration Guardians of the Globe, The Shapesmith is one of the few new characters to directly introduce themselves in the season 2 trailer. Appearing to be something of a comedic relief, the Shapesmith has already been shown to take his lumps along with the rest of the frequently injured Guardians. Still, his shape-shifting powers are sure to be valuable in the coming conflict.

Related: Invincible Season 1 Ending Explained

In the comics, The Shapesmith is secretly a Martian, having left his homeworld to live among humans as a hero on Earth. This would make him the second Martian to utilize his advanced physiology to fight crime on another planet, the first being the Martian Man of the original Guardians of the Globe. In season 1, the series actually shows The Shapesmith hitch a ride on the astronaut’s rocket back to Earth, quickly fixing the American Flag on his uniform to prevent suspicion. The cloak-and-dagger surrounding The Shapeshmith’s true origins makes him someone to watch out for in the coming season.

9 The Lizard Queen

Invincible Atom Eve Special Lizard League Queen Lizard

The Lizard League is a villainous group within the world of Invincible, comprised of a roster of reptilian-themed members with questionable goals. In season 1, the Lizard League is frequently played off as a joke, their campy, over-the-top theatrics and strange theme making them an easy target for ridicule. Still, they manage to give the Guardians of the Globe some trouble, briefly seen as the team reviews holographic footage from their fight with the cold-blooded gang.

The Lizard League gets more screen time in the one-off special, Invincible: Atom Eve, in which the team’s leader, The Lizard Queen, is introduced. The Lizard Queen seems to be making a return in season 2, possibly alongside her now-grown son, The Lizard Prince. With a renewed appearance, it’s possible the returning reptilian royalty will make the Lizard League a threat to be taken more seriously.

8 Queen Aquaria

Invincible Queen Aquaria

A bipedal fish-woman, Queen Aquaria is the sovereign ruler of Atlantis, a kingdom of fish-people beneath the ocean’s surface. Aquaria is the widow of the late Aquarus, a former Guardians of the Globe member who was killed in action. In the comics, the strange customs of Atlantis compel her to marry Omni-Man, the slayer of her former husband.

With Nolan having disappeared off the face of the planet, Queen Aquaria settles for the next best thing; His son, Mark. Much to Mark’s chagrin, Queen Aquaria seems to be quite pleased with the arrangement, the refusal of a royal wedding being a dangerous prospect for Invincible to consider. It’s likely this brief undersea plot will be a side-story of season 2, though Queen Aquaria appearing in combat with the same hydrokinetic powers of her late husband isn’t out of the question, either.

7 Darkwing II

invincible darkwing

A founding member of the original Guardians of the Globe, Darkwing was a clear parallel to the Justice League’s Batman. Operating under the cover of night and supplementing his lack of powers with an array of expensive gadgets, Darkwing was referred to as a more solitary member of the Guardians. Despite this description, it appears that he had left behind someone to take up the Darkwing mantle after his death at the hands of Nolan.

In the comics, the true identity of Darkwing II is that of Nightboy, the original Darkwing’s sidekick. Being the sole protector of Midnight City, Nightboy would crack under the pressure of defending the city from crime, beginning to kill criminals in a murderous rampage. After being subdued by Invincible, Darkwing II would then be taken in by Cecil to be installed into the new Guardians of the Globe.

6 Thaedus

Invincible Season 2 Great Thaedus

Briefly shown in promotional materials for Season 2, Thaedus is an incredibly interesting character who will help expand the world of Invincible beyond the stars. Born on the planet Viltrum, Thaedus is one of the oldest members of the race, defecting from the Empire to form the Coalition of Planets. This makes him significant as the only known Viltrumite other than Mark and Nolan to disobey orders.

As the leader of the Coalition of Planets, Thaedus is the boss of Allen the Alien. Thaedus’ DNA would be used to create the deadly Scourge virus that decimated the Viltrumite population by the series start. Willing to end the bloodline of his people to protect the rest of the galaxy from them, Thaedus is a truly heroic Viltrumite who will be fascinating to see interact with Nolan and Mark in the coming season.

5 General Telia

Invincible Comics Allen the Alien and Telia

Another member of the Coalition of Planets, Telia is Allen the Alien’s girlfriend. In the comics, she is a relatively insignificant character. Her primary purpose was to give Allen someone to interact with, being eager to spend physical time together with the orange cyclopean after his long missions away from home. In the show, however, Telia is given the title of General, hinting at a very different character.

With a relatively different character design from her comic iteration, Telia seems to be more thoughtful in the show, highlighting her status as a leader within the Coalition. This is a great example of how the series is willing to change characters for the better, turning what the original comics treated as a forgettable name into an actual character with depth and goals. Telia will be voiced by Tatiana Maslany of She-Hulk fame, who also voices Queen Aquaria.

4 Oliver Grayson

Invincible Comics Andressa and Oliver Grayson

Though Nolan disappears off-planet, his return is hinted at in the trailers for season 2 of Invincible. Abandoning his post, Nolan’s whereabouts are currently unknown in the show. In the comics, he wastes no time flying to a new planet, Thraxa, ruled by a race of insectoid people with accelerated life spans. There, Nolan starts a new family, having a second son, Oliver.

Oliver and his family haven’t made an appearance in any promotional materials for Invincible Season 2, but considering his introduction shortly after Mark is reunited with his father in the comics, his presence doesn’t seem far off. A well-meaning and heroic half-vitrinite child, Oliver and Mark eventually grow close together as step-brothers over the course of the comics.

3 Zall Zaxal

Invincible Flaxans

In the comics, Omni-Man isn’t the only one to start a new family in his travels. Invincible season 1 introduces the Flaxans, alien invaders from another dimension in which time flows differently. Monster Girl and Robot find themselves in this dimension, trapped with no easy escape. Eventually, Monster Girl meets Zall Zaxal, a Flaxan woman, and falls in love.

Monster Girl’s unique condition is explained in the cartoon, having the power to transform herself into a hulking monster at the cost of aging herself backward, resulting in her childlike appearance. However, Monster Girl’s romance with Zall also reveals that her monster form is actually biologically male, resulting in Monster Girl having a child with the Flaxan, a hybrid named Monax. With the return of the Flaxans being teased in the season 1 finale, Robot and Monster Girl’s time in the Flaxan dimension might come to screens soon.

2 Angstrom Levy

One of Invincible’s most dangerous antagonists to date, Invincible‘s Angstrom Levy is a mad genius who will push Mark to his absolute limits. Born with the ability to travel between dimensions, Angstrom Levy attempts to use his power to gain all the knowledge of the other versions of himself before being stopped by Invincible. Midway through the experiment, he is horribly disfigured, but gains increased powers, swearing revenge on Invincible.

What makes Angstrom Levy so special is his personal hatred of Mark. Not looking to take over the planet so much as to hurt Mark directly, he’s willing to do anything to do so, making him a dangerously damaged villain. His incredible mastery over his dimension-hopping powers and near-omniscient knowledge will be a treat to see animated, and many longtime fans of the comic are eager to see how Levy’s inclusion is handled.

1 Bulletproof

Invincible Bulletproof Comics

Another new member of the Guardians of the Globe, Bulletproof is a powerful hero able to rival Invincible himself. In the comics’ timeline, he was introduced much earlier, but it seems the show is finally ready to reveal Bulletproof in Invincible season 2. Bulletproof goes on to be an invaluable ally to Mark, but his powers of flight, strength, and energy absorption have a tragic origin.

Growing up the son of a scientist alongside his twin brother, Tyrone, Bulletproof’s real name is Zandale Randolph. His brother experimented on him in an attempt to manufacture superpowers, using Zandale as a disposable guinea pig that happens to have the same genetic material as himself. Unfortunately, the manifestation of Bulletproof’s powers kills his brother by accident, a tragic story that will make a great poignant moment in Invincible season 2.


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