FilmdailySchwartzapfel LawyersWorkplace Injury

5 Benefits of Consulting With a Lawyer After a Workplace Injury

Imagine you’ve just clocked in for the day, grabbed your morning coffee, and prepped your workspace when, out of nowhere, an injury sidelines you. This is a stark reality for millions of people. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries each year. 

That’s where talking to professionals like the team at Schwartzapfel Lawyers becomes crucial to your health, both physical and financial. They’ll walk you through the process after a workplace injury, so you can get the support you need. 

The Role of a Lawyer in Workers Comp Cases

Attorneys play a significant role in workers’ comp cases. Meetings are confidential and give you the opportunity to lay out your case with complete honesty. Consults also provide your chosen attorney with the chance to explain the pathway ahead, just a plain, easy-to-understand roadmap to your workers’ compensation.

Here’s why consulting a lawyer is important after getting injured at work or in the performance of work-related injuries.

1. Helps in Understanding Your Rights

Do you know that workers’ rights cover more than just the medical expenses? Or that they also cover lost wages and vocational training in case you’re unable to return to your former job post-injury? 

These are just broad strokes. Your workplace rights are historic and expansive, and there is no one better than a skilled lawyer to ensure you’re not left in the dark.

2. Helps Explain Legal Guidelines

Workers’ comp laws can feel complicated and overwhelming. There are timelines to respect, mounds of paperwork to complete, and tedious legal jargon that makes it difficult to understand how you are protected and what steps you can take. 

Neglecting just one of these guidelines can seriously impact your claim. Luckily, with a skilled lawyer by your side, you’ll have a legal guide, helping you through one step at a time. Your seasoned attorney understands the ins and outs of the law, can submit all the necessary paperwork on time, file appeals if required, and ensure the t’s are crossed, making the whole process simple and accessible.

3. Assures Fair Representation

After a workplace injury, you may find yourself stepping into a ring where your opponent is a heavyweight champion — your own employer. And it’s only fair. They’ve got their assets to protect. 

Still, what about you? With a stellar attorney in your corner, you’ll get fair representation, a balanced narrative, and a fair fight. They’ll present compelling evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and ensure that your voice gets heard. It’s like having your own champion ready to do battle on your behalf. 

4. Helps You Deal With Insurance Companies

Then, there are the insurance companies. You’ve likely come across stories where insurance companies appear more like Big Bad Wolves than friendly neighborhood helpers. These insurance companies often deploy alluring strategies to minimize their payout or deny the claim outright. Sound intimidating? Not when you have a skilled attorney by your side. 

Your legal counsel will safeguard you from any such wolfish acts. They know the tricks in the book and how to counter them. Their expertise will ensure you’re not manipulated or hurried into settling your claim, thereby providing you with the amount that rightfully belongs to you.

5. Increases Chances of Higher Settlement

Passionate about winning? So is your skilled lawyer. They’re a pro at negotiating, helping you to win the highest possible settlement. The National Safety Council reports that the average cost of a workers’ comp claim is $41,000 — but can you guess the magic ingredient to potentially reach or even exceed this figure? 

Yes, it’s an attorney. They’ll evaluate the circumstances of your accident and the severity of your injury, calculating a fair amount that covers all your expenses and then some. 

Seizing Control and Ensuring Justice

In the film of your life, a workplace injury is a nasty plot twist no one wants. The good news is that you have options for getting the support you need. Consulting a law professional, such as Schwartzapfel Lawyers, provides an invaluable safety net. Remember, a work injury might bruise not just you physically but also financially. 

Don’t worry about taking this challenging journey alone. Connect with an attorney, understand your rights, navigate the legal complexities, assure fair representation, deal with insurance companies, and increase your chances of a higher settlement. The choice is yours, and the benefits are clear — so make the call.


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