
As the Crow Flies Season 2 Review: Birce Akalay, Miray Daner are Back for a Conflicting Season

In the previous season, we saw an ambitious intern manipulate, lie and backstab others in order to get to her goal. Asli’s dangerous obsession with Lale and her career is a risky game of cat, mouse and deceit, which ends in her on her competitor’s throne, only for it to become apparent that she isn’t the hot-shot newcomer that everyone had hoped for. However, does it stay that way for long? As the Crow Flies Season 2 delves into that and more.

Birce Akalay plays the journalism queen, Lale Kiran, with Miray Daner joining once more as Asli Tuna. Created by Meric Acemi, the Turkish drama series also stars Ibrahim Celikkol, Burak Yamantürk, Irem Sak, Defne Kayalar, Elif Kurtuaran, Yasemin Eti, Bülent Çetinaslan, Merve Nil Güder, and others. The second season, aka Kus Uçusu, will have 8 episodes, each with a runtime of around 45-50 minutes.

– The Review Does Not Contain Spoilers –

As the Crow Flies continues on its path of pitting Asli and Lale against each other. While the first season had some layers to its story and its primary antagonist, the second season simply continues on a known path of Asli’s downfall, as her character doesn’t get any sort of an arc. Of course, it’s great to watch a bad person getting what they deserve and all that, but it never goes beyond that. That being said, it’s quite entertaining, just like the last season, if you can ignore the glaring plot holes.

I feel like the creators are playing this horrible joke, trying to make us feel like it’s this serious piece of cinema that talks about the depths of ambition, power and toxicity, but maybe it’s just another series that is only for the fun and melodrama. There are moments in the series that are just so bizarre that you’d sit there wondering what is even happening!

First and foremost, the second part really pushes down our throat the difference between Lale and Asli. I mean, I get it; there’s constant worry and competition because this is a competitive field in general. But the amount of time that the series spends to tell us this borders on boring sometimes. At some point, you want to move on to the next thing instead of sitting there looking at their supposed competition. The series also plays Asli’s character really negatively, as if she’s some Disney villain. Sure, she’s quite the negative character, but my god is it insane sometimes.

as the crow flies season 2 review

That being said, the series sometimes really brings our protagonists’ inner turmoil forward and gives their characters interesting twists and turns that are relatable and arresting. The second season focuses a lot on both the women’s complex feelings of not being good enough and it’s the struggle between the different generations of people. The protagonists are well-written and are given time to breathe in this season, although it feels directionless sometimes. I mean, we watched the fight last time; this time, we just extend that same thing, waiting to know who eventually wins.

No matter – I still found myself quite taken with the storyline. Their personal lives, especially, are woven into the series so well that sometimes it will move you. I found myself hooked to the screen during these moments – the direction, cinematography and music are done so well that it elevates the stories and keeps you from looking away. Plus, the characters have been given solid backstories that will pull you towards them, and you will root for them till the very end of the runtime.

I think the series’s handling of Asli’s character, in episode 8, however, is just weird and feels a little bit much. I mean, sure, she’s the Disney villain and all, but even then, the way they showed her downfall crossed a line that will make you uncomfortable. However, the differences in the way the two journalists are perceived by those around them is a poignant tale and says a lot about the characters. Daner is really great here.

Just like last time, Birce Akalay and Miray Daner are absolutely amazing in the show. Daner, especially, is very watchable as the “evil” Asli, and she’s just so good. You genuinely sometimes fear her, and at other times, you feel somewhat bad for her because of how insecure and unhappy she is. Akalay is great as well and you feel for her problems and insecurities as well. The two of them play off each other really well, as I had mentioned in the season 1 review as well.

As the Crow Flies Season 2 Review: Final Thoughts

As the Crow Flies Season 2 is a fine addition to the thrilling events of the first part and almost leaves you breathless sometimes. Although it is absolutely silly and stupid sometimes, as a whole, I really enjoyed watching it. There’s something extremely watchable about its silliness that will keep you pressing the next episode button every time. I kept wondering about the point of the second season, but I enjoyed it regardless – it’s a wild feeling to have.

All episodes of the series are streaming on Netflix.

Also Read: As The Crow Flies Ending Explained: What Happened to Asli and Lale in the End?


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