Biden promises our future to the UN: America will continue to be the ‘largest single country donor…’


A speech before the United Nations offered President Joe Biden to reaffirm selling out the United States in furtherance of globalism as the “largest single…country donor,” all at the taxpayers’ expense.

(Video: CBS News)

Speaking Tuesday before the UN General Assembly, Biden continued to promote his America Last policies on the world stage as he fell in lockstep with the doomsaying gathering on climate alarmism.

Along with re-upping a blank check commitment to the unofficial 51st of Ukraine, matching the same green agenda talking points of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Biden promised billions in aid to be sent around the world while continuing to neglect domestic crises.

“And as we work together to recover from global shocks, the United States will also continue to be the largest single-community donor — country donor of humanitarian assistance at this moment of unparalleled need in the world,” he affirmed.

According to Statista, the United States had donated more than $12.3 billion in humanitarian aid in 2022 with the next nearest donor being Germany at just over $3 billion. Those figures did not take into consideration the tens of billions contributed to Ukrainian defense as Biden also promised more spending on that front.

In support of turning out the pockets of America to the world, the president painted a picture of climate catastrophe as he connected disparate events to one cause that required nothing less than fealty to the climate cult.

“We see it everywhere. Record-breaking heat waves in the United States and China, wildfires ravaging North America and southern Europe, a fifth year of drought in the Horn of Africa, tragic, tragic flooding in Libya. My heart goes out to the people of Libya. It’s killed thousands — thousands of people,” expressed Biden. “Together these snapshots show an urgent story of what awaits us if we fail to reduce our dependance on fossil fuels and begin to climate-proof the world.”

Similarly, Zelenskyy said, “…humanity is failing on its climate policy objectives. This means that extreme weather will still impact the normal global life and some evil state will also weaponize its outcomes.”

As it happened, concern over recent disasters attributed to climate change had been shared by former President Barack Obama who had also called out Libyan floods in particular as he directed bleeding hearts to donate to the Obama Foundation.

“If you’re looking to help people impacted by the floods in Libya, check out these organizations providing relief,” he wrote on X.

The president also purported the continuing efforts of government initiatives like PEPFAR, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, as he managed to weave in plugs to the benefit of Big Pharma.

“We saved tens of millions of lives that would otherwise be lost to preventable and treatable diseases like measles, malaria and tuberculosis. HIV/AIDS infections and deaths plummeted in no small part because PEPFAR’s work in more than 55 countries, saving more than 25 million lives,” said Biden before later decrying the impact that COVID had on slowing attainment of the “Sustainable Development Goals of 2030.”

“These goals were adopted at the United Nations in 2015 as a roadmap for improving lives around the world,” he explained. “But the hard truth is: For decades of progress, the world has lost ground these past years in the wake of COVID-19, conflicts and other crises.”

“The United States is committing to doing its part to get us back on track,” asserted Biden who went on to note, “But to accelerate our forward progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, we all have to do more.”

The entirety of his remarks can be viewed below via Fox Business:


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