
Bird Flue H5N2 Strain Kills 1 in Mexico; Know More About It

A casualty has been reported in Mexico where a man passed away recently from a type of bird flu, H5N2. Before this incident, this particular strain had never been witnessed infecting human beings before, reported The Guardian.

Until now, the circumstances surrounding various possible reasons for how the virus infected the man remain unclear. Reportedly, it was discovered in poultry in Mexico.

Scientists are terrified that minimal changes in the virus could be highly infectious and transmissible to humans. However, considering the large population, the possibility of infection is currently minimal in Mexico. 

The man who died after getting infected with the virus also had numerous health issues. Moreover, the signs of spread of infection from the man to others are negligible. 

Reportedly, in the neighboring regions, separate cases of this flue have been found. The officials failed to establish the connection. 

As per Reuters, people in America recently got infected with H5N1, a bird flu variety. However, the recently discovered H5N2 strain is different from the existing one.

What is Avian Influenza A (H5N2)?

The H5N2 virus is also known as the Avian Influenza A virus. As per the World Health Organization, H5N2 viruses circulate in animals. However, they can also infect humans. 

Humans who get infected with the virus get it through contaminated environments or infected animals.

Influenza A viruses can be categorized into different types based on the original host. They are swine influenza, avian influenza, or other types of animal influenza viruses.

When an Avian influenza virus infects a human being, it can be fatal, causing mild to severe upper respiratory tract infections. Other symptoms reported are encephalopathy, encephalitis, gastrointestinal symptoms, and Conjunctivitis.

In order to diagnose influenza infection in humans, laboratory tests are crucial.

WHO regularly updates the technical guidance protocols so that zoonotic influenza can be effectively detected. Methods like RT-PCR are also developed. 

According to some evidence, with the help of some antiviral drugs like neuraminidase inhibitors, it can enhance the percentage of survival and lessen the duration of viral replication.


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