‘Come in buck naked if you want to’: ‘The View’ defends Senate’s new dress code, GOP takes action


Considering that “The View” has done for intelligent political discourse what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has done for the decorum of the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” it was no big surprise that the ladies defended the Senate’s new dumbed-down dress code.

The top Senate Democrat ushered in a new era of slovenliness when he changed the rules in order to accommodate the dumpy work attire of Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) who acts as though he is allergic to a coat and tie and regularly shows up to work in a grungy hoodie, ratty gym shorts, and sneakers. And the co-hosts stuck up for the mentally challenged galoot, a kindred spirit when it comes to abysmal standards.

On Tuesday’s edition of the ABC daytime talk show, left-wing politics again took center stage for the gaggle of gals who can always be relied on to make excuses for Democrat politicians, and few have been more coddled by the media than the pride of Pennsylvania, a “wonderful cat” according to Whoopi Goldberg who has no qualms about the poor example he sets, nor did her fellow co-hosts who devoted an entire segment to the new rules.

(Video: NewsBusters)

Goldberg opened the segment whining about how mean Republicans have been to poor Fetterman as the reaction has been pretty brutal, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis summing up the senator’s not having the “decency to put on proper attire” as being “disrespectful to the body,” one of the kinder reactions to the controversial new “Fetterman rule.”

“So yesterday, Chuck Schumer ended the dress code in Washington because they all have to wear suits and skirts and dresses and stuff. And really did kind of a really wonderful thing for John Fetterman,” she said. “And people are upset on the other side of the aisle. They think this is not something that should have been done, that it shouldn’t have been changed.”

“It’s okay if you don’t want to wear shorts and a sweatsuit. You’re not obligated to, but this is a guy who votes with one leg in and one leg out because he doesn’t want to interrupt the flow of good-looking people in their suits and dresses and Schumer said, ‘you know what, let me be thoughtful, let’s lighten it up so you can be more comfortable here,’” she added.

“So, I find that very annoying — another thing to be annoyed with him about,” Joy Behar complained, referring to DeSantis.” But on the other hand – I mean, people should dress the way they want. It’s like abortion. Don’t get one if you’re anti-choice, you know. You don’t have to go to a drag show if you don’t like that. It’s not your business all the time!”

Behar then tossed out a typically irrelevant comparison, “But I have to say that when I was a teacher, I felt that the teachers when they started wearing jeans and sweat pants and things, they kind of let a signaling to the students that everything is casual and it’s not. The teacher should be respected more and when you’re on their level they pick it up, I think.”

After the conversation went around the horn with the ladies at the table all taking up for the slobbish senator, Goldberg said. “For me, I — the respect I want to see is for them for each other. I want to see the respect for us as a nation and that has nothing to do with their clothes. This — Fetterman is a wonderful cat. He seems to love what he’s doing.”

Capping it off, she said that if you do your job she could care less if people showed up in the raw for work.

“It wouldn’t be a problem for me as long as you did your job. You can come in buck naked if you want to,” she said half-jokingly, an idea not as insane as it sounds with today’s crop of Democrats.

While it will likely fall on deaf ears, Senate Republicans have written a letter to Schumer calling for him to reinstate the dress code and that the change “disrespects the institution.”

“The Senate floor is a special place. It’s not hard to show it some respect and dress like a grown up,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) who along with 45 other GOP lawmakers signed the letter wrote on X.

“For more than 230 years, the United States Senate has served the American people with honor and dignity. As members of this esteemed body, we understand the seriousness our positions require,” the letter read.

“The Senate is a place of honor and tradition, and the Senate floor is where we conduct the business of the American people. It is where we debate the policies which impact every American family and, when necessary, it is where we must make the gravest decision imaginable – whether to send our fellow Americans into battle to defend the freedoms we all hold dear. The world watches us on that floor and we must protect the sanctity of that place at all costs,” the GOP senators said.

“Allowing casual clothing on the Senate floor disrespects the institution we serve and the American families we represent. We the undersigned members of the United States Senate … urge you to immediately reverse this misguided action,” the conservative lawmakers concluded, requesting that the New York Democrat restore decency to the chamber.

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