
For All the Dogs sparks meme fest – Drake’s new album gathers hilarious reactions

If you’re looking for some honest reviews before streaming For All the Dogs, these memes aptly show how fans feel about Drake’s new album.

Drake‘s eighth studio album consists of 23 tracks, with a runtime of an hour and 25 minutes. For All the Dogs seems to have opened to mixed reviews, and some fans have ranked the best songs from the new release. And, to achieve a better understanding of the popular opinion about the album, you may want to look at some of these hilarious memes we’ve shared below.

Drake's Till Death Do Us Part Rap Battle Event
Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images

For All the Dogs sparks a meme fest

Fans have reviewed Drake’s new album with the funniest memes. Here are a few that tickled us…

Close, but no cigar

This fan loved it

It would hit different

A timeout to adore funny pooches

To each their own

This seems to be the popular opinion

Fans know what they want.

Not everyone hates it

Daddy GOAT

Already better than CLB?

The dogs right now

Tracklist of Drake’s new album

Below are all the tracks and guests featured on For All the Dogs.

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