
Full video of Guru Rudra Tara, a spiritual leader allegedly kissing a follower goes viral on Twitter/X and Reddit, But Is It Genuine?

Full video of Guru Rudra Tara, a spiritual leader kissing a follower goes viral on Twitter/X and Reddit, But Is It Genuine?

Guru Rudra Tara, is a spiritual leader who has sizable followings and is in the news these days because of a viral video where he is allegedly kissing a follower.

A huge controversy has erupted with many of his followers expressing shock and disappointment.

The actions of the spiritual leader has created a huge debate on the status of relationship any religious figure must have with his disciples.

If you are unversed, the social media platforms especially Reddit and X/Twitter are dominated with videos featuring Guru Rudra allegedly engaging in inappropriate acts with his disciple.

However we would like to reiterate that the sources of these videos are unknown. Also the authenticity of the video remains unverified.

The actual video seems to have been captured on a phone and shows the Guru Rudra Tara in a close embrace, culminating in a kiss with a follower.

Even though the source of the video remains unknown the video has evoked a huge backlash on the social media with devotees expressing shock and disappointment.

The origin of the video is unknown and its authenticity still not confirmed but there are websites which were quick to seize this opportunity to make hay while the sun shines. These websites claim to have the video but beware they are just clickbait, made in order to gain more clicks from users.

We therefore request all netizens not to fall victim to such deceit and not click on any such clickbait with various bugs that can hamper your online activity.

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