
Google Play Protect detecting Samsung Wallet (Samsung Pay) as ‘harmful app;’ here’s why & how to fix

Samsung Wallet, has recently become the center of attention due to an alarming issue as Google Play Protect has been detecting it as a ‘harmful app’.

Google Play Protect detecting Samsung Wallet harmful app

Most Android users see Google Play Protect as a trusted guardian of our devices. It’s that silent but reassuring presence in the background, diligently scanning apps and keeping our smartphones safe from malicious software and potential data breaches. After all, in the digital age, protecting our personal data is of utmost importance.

However, in the recent days, Google Play Protect has thrown a rather unexpected curveball. It’s like someone suddenly telling you that the friendly security guard at your favorite store now believes you’re a shoplifter. In this peculiar twist, Google Play Protect has labeled the Samsung Wallet as a harmful app.

Google Play Protect detecting Samsung Wallet harmful app
(Click/tap to view)

The first indication that something was amiss was the ominous notification. Additionally, it accused Samsung Wallet of a grave offense of spying on our personal data. Google Play Protect pointed a finger at this essential app, suggesting it was slyly sifting through our SMS messages, rifling through our photos, eavesdropping on our calls, and even recording audio. It was, to say the least, a shocking revelation.

The panic and confusion weren’t limited to a handful of users. Moreover, the experience was eerily consistent across the board. To worsen matters, Google instructs users to uninstall Samsung Wallet. This situation left Samsung users baffled and somewhat frustrated. Consequently, users pondered whether they had unintentionally encountered risks or if this was simply a technical hiccup.

This is the reason why

The misidentification of Samsung Wallet as a harmful app can be attributed to an error in Google’s app authority. Google Play Protect employs various mechanisms, including machine learning algorithms, heuristics, and patterns of previous malicious apps, to detect potentially harmful applications. In this case, Samsung Wallet appears to have been caught in the crossfire despite being a legitimate and essential application for Samsung users.

Customer service of Samsung Pay

The process of rectifying such errors in app authority may take some time, and Google has already initiated corrective actions. However, the resolution may not be immediate, leaving users frustrated and concerned about the security of their devices.

How to fix it

Thankfully, there are steps that users can take to address this problem. Let’s explore these steps in detail:

Method 1:

  1. Open Google Play Store: To start the process, locate and tap on the Google Play Store icon on your device.
  2. Access Your Account: In the upper right corner of the Play Store, tap on your account icon to access your Google account settings.
  3. Navigate to Play Protect: Scroll down the menu options until you find ‘Play Protect,’ then tap on it.
  4. Initiate a Scan: Within Play Protect, tap on the ‘Scan’ button to kick off a thorough scan of your device for potentially harmful apps.

Method 2:

  1. Access the Play Store Options: First, open the Play Store, tap on the three horizontal lines in the upper-left corner to access the options menu, and select ‘Settings.’
  2. Clear Cache and Data in Storage: Within the ‘Settings,’ locate and tap on ‘Storage.’ Here, you can find the options to ‘Clear Cache’ and ‘Clear Data.’
  3. Adjust App Permissions: Next, access the ‘Applications’ section in your device’s settings. Search for the ‘Samsung Wallet’ app and tap on it. In the permissions section, remove permissions for Camera, Photos and Videos, Microphone, Phone, and SMS.
  4. Run Analysis of Apps: Return to the Play Store or Play Protect, and initiate an analysis of your apps.
  5. Restore Permissions: After performing the analysis and confirming that the issue is resolved, go back to the Samsung Wallet app in your device’s settings. Then, grant the same permissions that you previously removed.

NOTE: There are more such stories in our dedicated Samsung section so be sure to go through it as well.

Featured image: Samsung Wallet

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