
How to report an account or post on Threads app


Have you ever come across an account that posted content in violation of Threads’ community guidelines, leaving you with the thought of reporting it? We’ll show you how to report an account on the Threads app effortlessly.

By reporting accounts that breach our guidelines, you’re not just safeguarding yourself but also helping to keep the community safe and happy.

Why to report someone’s account or post on Threads app?

Reporting accounts on the Threads app is essential for several important reasons:

  • First, profiles and content on Threads must follow Instagram’s Community Guidelines. If you’ve encountered anything that violates community guidelines, reporting it can prevent others from being exposed to similar issues.
  • Moreover, reporting accounts serves as a shield for your online experience.
    When you report accounts involved in harassment, spam, or pretending to be someone else, you can ensure that your time on the app remains enjoyable and free from unwanted interactions.
  • Lastly, reporting is a way to actively contribute to the Threads community’s well-being.
    When everyone plays their part in reporting inappropriate behavior, we collectively create a more positive and respectful online space for ourselves to enjoy.

Steps to consider to report an account on Threads app

There are two ways to report someone’s profile on Threads app.
Check them out below:

Report a post through your feed

Report someone through their profile

You can access the profile you want to report through two different methods.

Via post

  • Tap on the username from the post whom you want to report.
  • report-account-on-threads-app
    Click/tap to view image
  • You’ll forwarded to user’s profile. Then tap on the three dots icon on the top-right corner.
  • report-account-on-threads-app
    Click/tap to view image
  • A pop-up screen will display with two red highlighted options i.e ‘Block’ and Report’ at the bottom.
  • report-account-on-threads-app
    Click/tap to view image
  • Then you must tap on report button to perform the required action.
  • You’ll see another pop-up screen. It provides you two options to choose from i.e either ‘Report Post, Message or Comment’ or ‘Report Account’.
  • report-account-on-threads-app
    Click/tap to view image
  • For reporting the account, tap on the ‘Report Account’.
  • Then you’ll be asked to choose the reason of reporting from three options.
  • report-account-on-threads-app
    Click/tap to view image

    Posting violated content:
    Select this option to report the account when the user has posted inappropriate content on Threads.

    • Choose this option to access a pop-up screen when you want several of reasons from which you can choose one. Pick the reason that most accurately aligns with your perception of the content violation.
    • report-account-on-threads-app
      Click/tap to view image
    • After selecting your preferred option, Threads will display a confirmation message along with a ‘Next’ button at the bottom.
    • report-account-on-threads-app
      Click/tap to view image
    • If you wish to take any additional actions on the account, such as restricting or blocking it, simply tap the ‘Next’ button. Otherwise, you can simply close the pop-up screen by scrolling down.
    • report-account-on-threads-app
      Click/tap to view image

    Pretending to someone else:
    Pick this option when you find someone has made a fake account on someone else’s name.

    • You’ll asked if you know who is pretending to be with four options i.e ‘Me’, Someone I follow, ‘A celebrity or public figure’ and ‘A business or organization’.
    • report-account-on-threads-app
      Click/tap to view image
    • Choose the relevant option as per your understanding. Once you will select anyone except ‘Me’, then perform a search on username you want to report. Then tap on ‘Submit report’ on tapping searched username.
    • After hitting ‘Submit report,’ Threads app confirms with a message and ‘Next’ button. To take more actions, such as restricting or blocking the account, tap ‘Next.’ To close the pop-up, simply scroll down.

      Click/tap to view image

    Someone is under 13:
    Threads require everyone to be atleast of the age 13. So if you find someone using an account below this age then you can use this as a reason forreporting it.

    You can learn more by tapping on ‘Learn more’ when you will pick this option.

    You can report someone by searching for their profile using the search icon at the bottom, entering their username, and following the same steps as described in the second method above, starting from step 2.

So, the next time you come across content or behavior that doesn’t align with our community standards, don’t hesitate to use this guide.

Moreover, you can explore Instagram’s help page for further information on the subject.

Note: Your report remains confidential, except when reporting intellectual property infringement. The profile you’ve reported will not be able to identify the person who reported them.

We hope that this guide has helped you in learning how to report someone’s account when they violates guidelines or disrupts the positive or secure atmosphere on Threads.

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