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The Indonesia volcano, Mount Ruang, is situated in North Sulawesi Province. On Tuesday, at 9:45 pm, it erupted for the first time; the entire sky was filled with smoke and ashes. The next day, i.e., Wednesday, it made 4 more eruptions, causing Indonesia’s volcanology agency to take precautionary measures in the area. It’s an alert level for the 725-meter (2,379-foot) high mountain to four, the highest on the scale. Furthermore, the agency also widened the exclusion zone around the volcano, from four kilometers (2.5 miles) to six kilometers (3.7 miles). To save the people living around the mountain, around 800 people from Tagulandang Island to Ruang were also evacuated. The Tagulandang Island is situated almost 100 kilometers north of the provincial capital, Manado. The head of the disaster agency’s disaster data, communications, and information center, Abdul Muhari stated- “At least 11,615 residents who are in the risk area must evacuate to a safe place.” Back in 2018, Indonesia’s Anak Krakatoa volcano erupted, triggering a tsunami on the coasts of Sumatra. Even the Java parts fell from the water into the ocean due to which hundreds of people lost their lives. Also Read: Denmark Stock Exchange Fire Video All Over Internet: 400 Years Of Legacy Damaged Famous Kulhad Pizza couple Gurpreet Kaur and Sehaj Arora are back in the news. This time their Dubai vacation photos are dominating the internet. In the viral clip, the couple can be seen taking a stroll on a beach in Dubai. Gurpreet can be seen in a mustard-colored sleeveless top paired with black trousers while Sehaj is dressed in a blue shirt with black shorts. Sehaj captioned the video with, “Life takes you down many paths, but the best ones lead to the beach,” along with heart emojis. The Kulhad Pizza couple first came into the limelight when a food vlogger made a video on their infamous Kulhad pizza. Since then, they have turned into internet personalities. Soon things took a drastic turn when their private video was leaked online with their consent. The video made national headlines with many targeting the couple for taking such actionsto grab publicity in the media. Initially, the Kulhad Pizza couple claimed that the video was fake but later came forward claiming one of their ex-employees leaked the clip while trying to extort money. The video also sparked a debate on social media over privacy laws and the right to consent. As the video turned into a national controversy, Sehaj had to release a statement on their YouTube channel stating, “I won’t delve into whether the video is real or not. Instead, let’s focus on the dire circumstances we find ourselves in. Just two days ago, my wife underwent surgery. Our home, which should have been filled with joy, now bears an atmosphere of despair. We live in uncertainty, unsure of what the future holds. I request all of you not to propagate the video any further. Our child was born just four days ago, and my wife is currently in a deeply distressing state, making her care incredibly challenging. What befell us is a situation that could happen to anyone. I humbly request you to imagine yourself in my shoes for a moment.” Also Read: Kulhad Pizza Couple Viral Video Is Real Or Fake? Sehaj Arora-Gurpreet Kaur Video Tape Trending On Twitter, Reddit Neetu Wadhwa web series- Neetu Wadhwa is a famous Indian actress that most appears in bold erotic movies and web series. She has been a part of many hit web series including Devyaani, Gandii Baat and Crime Patrol. With that said, here we will be counting down some of the best Neetu Wadhwa web series that you can watch at night and vibe alone. Keep on scrolling- Directed by Shonal Bose, starring Neeraj Roy Kumar, Malvi Malhotra, and Sonalika Prasad in the leading roles. Make sure you are alone once you start watching it, as it is filled with many bold scenes and sexually explicit dialogues. One of the most popular Hindi erotic web series of all time. It is more of an erotic thriller and revolves around a murder in a village. All characters in it show psychopathic tendencies, making it hard to find which one is the killer. Meanwhile, it has passionate love-making scenes that will keep you hooked to your TV screens till the very end. The cast of the web series includes Yash Chaudhary, Kunwar Vikram Soni, and Mridula Mahajan in leading roles. The show brings crime stories from every corner of India. It should be noted that the presentation of the case would be in a storytelling form to keep the viewers interested in fiction drama. Also Checkd: Top 6 Ashraf Saifee Web Series To Stream Alone Viewer Discretion Advised: The article discusses explicit content material. A video titled Mayra Santiz is trending all over the internet. Many netizens are trying to find the link to the video but are unable to find it. As per news reports, the content of the video shows a girl in a compromising situation with an unidentified man. The identity of both people remains a mystery. The only thing netizens know so far is the title of the video: Mayra Santiz. Currently, the video is being shared like wildfire on various social media platforms. Due to its explicit nature, the video now has become inaccessible on the internet. It should be noted that the authenticity of the video still needs to be officially confirmed by the relevant source. Plus, not much information is available about the viral clip. Meanwhile, it has sparked a debate on social media over privacy policy and cybercrime. The video is titled- “Mayra Santiz viral video”. However, it has been speculated that it is a planned strategy to divert attention from a video showing a girl performing erotic movements. Coming back to Mayra Santiz, many users on the internet are trying to find more information about the girl but nothing seems relevant. Many groups on digital platforms are searching for clues to find more about the clip but till now there has been no update from their side. The video is trending on various social media platforms but the enigma around it continues to remain the same. We urge our readers not to watch or share such videos as they contain sexually explicit images that may be sensitive to many. Also Read: Erin Ward, A High-School Teacher Gets Caught While Sexually Assaulting A Minor
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Indonesia Volcano Eruption Video
Kulhad Pizza Couple Video From Their Dubai Vacation Goes Viral On Social Media
Best Neetu Wadhwa Web Series
1. Waah Kya Baat Hai
Shonal Bose
Neeraj Roy Kumar,Malvi Malhotra and Sonalika Prasad
2. Gandii Baat
OTT Platform
ALT Balaji
Yash Chaudhary, Kunwar Vikram Soni and Mridula Mahajan
3. Crime Patrol
Darshan Raj
Lead Cast
Anup Soni, Sanjeev Tyagi and Moin Azam Khan
Mayra Santiz’s Private Video Takes Twitter and Reddit By Storm
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