‘Is this for real?’: TX AG Ken Paxton exposes RINOs in explosive sit-down with Tucker Carlson


Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton was blindsided, gagged, and removed from office, despite having been re-elected by Lone Star voters for the third time — all based on charges for which he was ultimately acquitted, begging the question, how could something like this happen in a supposedly “red” state.

In his first sit-down interview since his vindication, Paxton pulled no punches, telling Tucker Carlson on X, he was “delivered” by his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” from a process that became “very political.”

“It wasn’t just about the law,” Paxton told Carlson. “It became political completely, and I didn’t know how it was going to turn out on the political side.”

As the “most aggressive legal opponent of the Biden administration,” Paxton revealed that the state Speaker of the House may be a Republican, but he is handpicked by 65 Democrats.

“Those 65 Democrats always vote block,” Paxton explained. “And they pick the Republican that they want.”

“[Texas] House Speaker Dade Phelan is controlled by the Democrats,” he stated.

“That doesn’t really sound like the way democracy is supposed to work,” Carlson noted.

“It’s how it’s working in Texas right now,” Paxton replied, adding that his impeachment is an opportunity to discuss how things really work in Texas.

“There were two of four House investigating lawyers that worked at the Department of Justice [DOJ] in Washington, and that’s not random,” he stated.

The three Republicans and two Democrats in the Texas House hired four lawyers.

“Two of them came from the Biden DOJ,” Paxton said. “That’s not an accident. They were sent there.”

The reason?

According to Paxton, it was because of the 48 suits he had filed against the Biden administration.

“We were causing a lot of trouble for the Biden administration,” he said. “Even if we didn’t win, we slowed them down. And we were winning. … So we were a huge problem for the Biden administration, and that was the way to get me out of the way, and, obviously, that had an impact on the lawsuits being filed by Texas and other states.”

He said he “literally had no idea” the impeachment was coming.

After a four-hour hearing, he was impeached “without an opportunity to present my side, without an opportunity to have any sworn testimony, which is required by law.”

He was then “immediately suspended” without pay, despite having been convicted of nothing; gagged, despite multiple leaks from his accusers; and denied state-funded representation, despite the “14 to 17 lawyers” on the other side for whom the taxpayers were billed.

Paxton called out so-called Republicans Karl Rove and George P. Bush by name, as well as a complicit media who were all too happy to print Rove’s attacks.

“There’s nothing he won’t do, I believe,” Paxton said of Rove. “He doesn’t mind destroying a person’s life.”

Rove, Paxton said, is supported by the media because “they realize he’s not conservative. He’s more in line with Bill Clinton and President Obama than he is in line with our voters in Texas, and so the media is very sympathetic.”

In the nearly 50-minute interview, Paxton also delved into voter fraud.

“I do know 100% that they cheat with mail-in ballots,” he stated. “I know that for a fact, and we had prosecuted people for that.”

He stated “they stopped counting votes” on election  night, 2024, “because what they needed to figure out was how many real votes there were so they could figure out how many mail-in ballots to apply to the election.”

The AG said he has “no doubt” that there was fraud.

“When they stopped, and Trump was leading in all these states, I knew exactly what they were doing,” he said. “Because there is no way to know where those mail-in ballots came from. Anybody could have filled them out. Anybody.”

The statement threw some on X for a loop.

“What is this?” asked one user. “Is this for real?”

Paxton even suggested he may run against U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas).

“I can’t think of a single thing he’s accomplished for our state or even for the country, let alone the fact that we have a massive invasion into our state and he doesn’t speak out against it,” he said. “I’ve never seen him propose legislation that significantly affects it.”

When asked if he would consider challenging Cornyn, Paxton said “Everything’s on the table for me.”

On X, users liked what they heard.

“Breathtaking!” exclaimed one user. “Paxton blew the cover off the corrupt Establishment Republican Uniparty. Texans who love Texas and America must fight like tigers to preserve both.”


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