
Kevin Bacon Bought A Haunted House On The Condition He Had To Destroy It For Fear He’d Be Possessed



  • Kevin Bacon reveals that he once bought a plot of land with haunted house with the stipulation that he would destroy the house within a month.
  • The owner feared that Bacon would get possessed and cause damage if he didn’t demolish the house.
  • Bacon wanted to take some pine boards from the house, but his wife Kyra Sedgwick refused to allow it.



Kevin Bacon revealed that he once bought a plot of land that came with the stipulation that he destroy a haunted house. The Emmy-nominated actor is known for prominent movie roles, and in fact has held so many that the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is based around the idea that any actor can be connected to the star within six degrees of separation based on the co-stars they’ve worked with. Some of Bacon’s most popular roles include playing Ren in Footloose, Sean Devine in Mystic River, and – more recently – himself in the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special.

Per Entertainment Weekly, Kevin Bacon made a recent appearance on the Literally! podcast with Rob Lowe. During the conversation, Bacon revealed that when he bought a plot of land near his farm in Connecticut, the owner insisted the house on the property was haunted and said “I’m afraid that you’ll get possessed.” The owner would only sell the property if the star agreed to the condition that he had to “destroy [the house] within a month.” Read Bacon’s full quote below:

One of the pieces that we bought had an old house in it and [the owner] didn’t want me to own the house. It was an abandoned house that he had grown up in. We kind of went back and forth on it for a while and then, eventually, I said, “Listen, you can’t sell me a piece of land but not sell me the house that’s on it. Like, that’s just weird. What if you sell it and there’s somebody that’s just living, basically, right up in the backyard?”He said, “I can’t sell it to you because it’s haunted and I’m afraid that you’ll get possessed and, you know, do some serious damage.” [We went] back and forth on this haunted house thing [until we] finally came to an agreement, in the contract, that I had to destroy it within a month.Not only did I not [spend the night in the haunted house],but I went up there and there were some beautiful old pine boards and a banister and I said to Kyra [Sedgwick], “We’ve gotta take those out.” And she’s like, “No you’re not. You’re not putting those f—ing things in our house.”[The haunting] was a long story that had to do with a Native American who, in the 1700s, had been murdered by a colonial soldier. [The owner] had had ghostbusters there. It was a whole long thing.

Kevin Bacon Has a Rich History in the Horror Genre

Kevin Bacon dies in Friday the 13th

While it seems that this is Kevin Bacon’s first real-life brush with the supernatural, the actor has appeared in quite a few movies from the horror genre. In fact, one of his first appearances in a feature was the 1980 slasher Friday the 13th, a movie that showcased his grisly murder via arrow at the hands of the vengeful Mrs. Voorhees (Betsy Palmer). Last year, he appeared in the conversion camp slasher They/Them, bookending the first four decades of his career with summer camp horror movies.

In the intervening years, there have been many other Kevin Bacon horror movies. Two of his best-known titles beyond Friday the 13th are most likely the giant monster comedy Tremors and the Invisible Man riff Hollow Man. However, the star has also faced off against supernatural forces like his real-life haunted house in titles including The Darkness, Flatliners, and Stir of Echoes.

Kevin Bacon‘s horror history has continued beyond these titles as well. Last year, horror icon Robert Englund suggested that Bacon could take over the role of the Elm Street slasher Freddy Krueger. While that may not come to fruition, his daughter Sosie Bacon continued her father’s horror legacy by starring in the 2022 supernatural shocker Smile, which became a surprise smash hit.

Source: Literally! (via EW)


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