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The Trulife Distribution lawsuit has everything that could label it as a captivating legal drama.

The lawsuit pits Trulife Distribution, a wellness company, against Nutritional Products International (NPI).

Nutritional Products International (NPI) was founded by Mitch Gould; his son, Brian Gould, who had previously served as the president of NPI, is the CEO of Trulife Distribution.

It is this family connection that makes the legal drama much more gripping.

The lawsuit was instituted by NPI in a U.S. District Court in Florida in May 2022.

The lawsuit alleges that Trulife Distribution had adopted fraudulent means to progress its business interests.

Some of the charges leveled against Trulife Distribution include misleading trade practices, fake advertising, and the issuance of misleading statements that were aimed at deceiving the existing clientele of NPI.

The lawsuit specifically accuses Trulife of wrongly claiming credit for case studies and testimonials that rightfully belonged to NPI.

NPI alleges that Brian Gould had access to their case studies during his tenure as an executive.

It was then passed off as Trulife Distribution success stories to win business and sign clients.

It also alleges that Trulife used a fraudulent email address that would divert NPI’s business.

NPI claims that it had to endure huge losses as a result of the fraudulent activities of Trulife Distribution, and the deceptive practices led to a lot of confusion in the marketplace within the nutrition, health, and wellness industry.

This is not the first time that the two companies have been mired in a legal tussle.

The lawsuit also claims that the true extent of the fraud became evident in 2019, that the former employee had cloned NPI operations in entirety to further Trulife Distribution business interests.

The disputes were at that time resolved through mediation in 2021.

The charges are serious and, if proven, would constitute a violation of some state and federal laws, which include Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act, the federal Lanham (Trademark) Act, and the federal Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act.

The fallout of the Trulife Distribution Lawsuit

The outcome of the lawsuit will have serious fallout on the operations, reputation, and financial standing of Trulife Distribution, and it could be asked to pay hefty compensation as damages and also face injunctions which could affect its future actions.

The outcome of the lawsuit could also have serious consequences for the health and wellness distribution industry and also affect investment and consumer confidence in the industry.

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