
NickMercs’ Homophobic Comment About Trans People Goes Viral On The Internet

NickMercs is a well-known streamer on the online media platform, Twitch. He received traction and recognition online when he started streaming his Call of Duty matches. Lots of people used to watch his videos and continue to do so even now.

Although he was extremely popular at one point, his fandom has died down a little bit. NickMercs does get attention these days; however, it is because of controversial comments that he keeps on passing about people and society.

NickMercs’ Homophobic Comment About Trans People

In the latest addition, NickMercs’s controversial statement on trans people says,

“There’s no such thing as trans people. That’s something that you created. So, have fun in your little dreamland, but that s**t is not even real. Let me bring it down for you, all right? Ps – dude. Va – girl. Done! Don’t come in here with f**king trans s*t, bruh! Ridiculous!”

His comments about the LGBTQ+ community trigger people, and that brings in the popularity NickMercs gets these days.

NickMercs criticized people who use pronouns in their profiles, which got famous. This recent comment about how trans people do not exist has gained traction on social media.

Not to mention, people are extremely triggered and fired up about this issue.

Some people did agree with his statement, while some are not happy as he’s being homophobic, which is perhaps a sensitive topic these days.

NickMercs opened up saying,

“I feel a certain way about all of that and I’ve said my piece. And, I’ll remind these f**king people… that, again, the little dream fantasy bulls**t that they’re living in is not real life.”

Later, though, NickMercs did release another video addressing the issue and the controversial comments he is going through. NickMercs mentioned that he still has not changed his mind about the issue of trans people not existing.

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