
Onlyfans Model Rara Armstrong Shares Video About Hotel Employees Sniffing Her Underwear, Feeling Violated

Rara Armstrong Shares Video About Hotel Employees Sniffing Her Underwear, Feeling Violated

Rara Armstrong, hailing from the UK, has shared something online, and people are disturbed after learning about it.

Rara is the mother of an 11-year-old son, and she is on vacation with her son in Spain at the moment.

Rara was staying at a reputed hotel named Hotel Ambassador Playa II.

Rara Armstrong, a model and content creator online, discovered that a worker at the hotel was acting very inappropriately towards her.

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The hotel employee looked up Rara on her OnlyFans website and started sending her creepy messages, addressing her with terms like “sexy.”

Rara said, “It just really annoyed me because I thought I should have just reported him straight away when he was inappropriate on day one.”

The hotel employee also asked Rara out multiple times.

Even though Rara kept saying no and denying his requests, the employee did not back down in his attempts to pursue her.

Rara Armstrong Exposes Hotel Employee for Sniffing Her Underwear

On the last day of the vacation, Rara set up an iPad when the hotel employee was in her room to record if he did anything creepy, and there we go!

The hotel employee snuck into her room and rifled through her dirty laundry.

The employee took her worn G-string panty, stole it, and, before stealing it, he took a sniff of it as well.

Rara Armstrong felt very uncomfortable and violated after seeing the video and sharing it online, explaining how inappropriate this behavior was and how bad it made her feel.

“My advice to others would just be to be really vigilant,” said Rara.

The hotel did not offer Rara any compensation for the behaviour of the employee, and Rara complained about it after she left the hotel at check-out.

Rara Armstrong has now issued a warning to other women to be aware of anything suspicious happening around them and to take care of themselves in similar social situations.

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