Slob-like Fetterman presides over Senate, calls GOP colleagues ‘jagoffs’


U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) snidely trolled House Republicans on Wednesday by calling them “jagoffs” and stating that he would wear a suit if they would avoid a government shutdown and throw more money at Ukraine.

(Video Credit: C-SPAN)

“If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week,” Fetterman wrote on X.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently instructed the chamber’s sergeant-at-arms to stop enforcing the dress code requiring coats and ties for male senators on the floor. That move was meant to give Fetterman leeway to wear his favored shorts, t-shirts, and hoodies on the Senate floor, completing his “slob” persona.

Critics call it the “Fetterman Rule.” Now, only male staffers have to dress up and look like actual professionals.

Fetterman posted the poke at House Republicans as he presided over the Senate on Wednesday in shorts and a short-sleeve button-down shirt, looking more like he was going to a sporting event than overseeing the business of the nation.

Following his six-week hiatus from the Senate due to depression and other health problems, Fetterman has made no effort whatsoever to dress like a congressman and comply with the previous dress code. Before Schumer stepped in, he was reportedly forced to stand outside the Senate chamber and yell “Aye” or “Nay” during proceedings.

Every GOP senator and a whole list of other Republicans sent a scathing letter to Schumer on Tuesday, objecting to the change in the dress code, according to the New York Post. They asserted that it “debases” the institution.

The dress code for women seems to have not changed, although to make a point, it’s not inconceivable that a conservative woman might push the issue.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) joked that she should wear a bikini on the Senate floor this week. X users kidded that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) should also wear one.

(Video Credit: NewsNation)

Democrats have fallen into lockstep to ditch the dress code and show solidarity with Fetterman.

Former US Rep. Conor Lamb showed his support for Fetterman on X Tuesday by taking a swipe at House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)

“I would have worn a top hat and tails onto the House floor every day if it made Kevin McCarthy and Matt Gaetz any better at their jobs, but it would not have,” Lamb wrote. “The fixation on Sen. Fetterman is purely a distraction from yet another looming, disastrous, pointless shutdown.”

Republicans are disgusted by all of it.

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) said it’s a “sad day in the Senate” when commenting about the new progressive dress code and added that the people whom Fetterman and Schumer represent should be embarrassed, according to ABC27.

“I represent the people of Kansas, and much like when I get dressed up to go to a wedding, it’s to honor the bride and groom, you go to a funeral you get dressed up to honor the family of the deceased,” Marshall stated. “Senators should have a certain level of decorum.”

“They’re freaking out, I don’t understand it,” Fetterman commented in regard to his critics, according to ABC27. “Like, aren’t there more important things we should be working on right now instead of, you know, that I might be dressing like a slob?”

“I think we should all want to be more comfortable,” Fetterman told reporters on Monday. “And now we have that option, and if people prefer to wear a suit, then that’s great.”

Conservative Republicans have dug in their heels over the stopgap spending measure. McCarthy does not have the votes currently to stop a shutdown. He can only lose four Republican votes and he has approximately a dozen defections.

It is highly unlikely that Fetterman’s trolling will change anyone’s mind. In fact, it will probably bolster the stance of those willing to shut down the federal government over massive spending and shoveling another $20 billion more into Ukraine.

Fetterman was shredded for his shot at Republicans and for his slovenly appearance:

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