
Tamas Sulyok elected as Hungary’s new President

Hungarian lawmakers elected Tamas Sulyok as the new President with 134 votes in favor, 5 against, and 7 invalid. Sulyok, head of the Constitutional Court, will be inaugurated on March 5 for a five-year term, succeeding Katalin Novak who resigned amid a child abuse pardon scandal.

Sulyok, known for his legal and academic career, aims to be a “president of trust” with a commitment to uphold the fundamental values of the law. Prime Minister Viktor Orban praised Sulyok’s extensive qualifications, including his experience in constitutional and legal matters, international law, and understanding of political institutions.

With a background as a judicial clerk, legal adviser, lawyer, and honorary consul of Austria, Sulyok has been a guest lecturer in constitutional law at the University of Szeged since 2005. He has served as deputy president of the Constitutional Court since 2015 and was elected as the president in 2016.

Most opposition lawmakers abstained from the voting process. Sulyok emphasized his commitment to serving the public good and embodying the nation’s unity as the President of the Republic. His role will focus on interpreting power within the framework of the law and promoting fairness in competing values.

Sulyok, born in Kiskunfelegyhaza in southern Hungary in 1956, holds a PhD in law and has a European law qualification. He will take on the role of the country’s President for the next five years, with the possibility of being re-elected for another term as per the fundamental law.


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