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The 15 Most Dangerous Countries for Women


Women around the globe at present continue to have a gargantuan task ahead of them, with menacing threats that loom over them at each moment. While there have been some indicators reflecting the progress made toward gender parity and the recognition of women’s rights in many parts of the world, there is still a long journey to traverse, which is testament to the fact that there also exist countries where the life for women is particularly dismal.

A recent report by the Thomson Reuters Foundation pointed out the 15 most dangerous countries for women in the world. Health care quality, economic resources, cultural traditions, sexual violence, and human trafficking were the five yardsticks used. The results portrayed nothing but the spreading discrimination, oppression, and violence against women in these nations.

Here is a detailed look into the 15 most dangerous countries for women, from the safest to the least safe:

  1. Afghanistan
    The giant question is what those women have done for society to keep them at an indifferent attitude. Afghanistan has been placed on the top list of the most dangerous countries due to its patriarchal culture, continuous conflicts, and repressive policies. Very minimal access is available on health care, education, and economic empowerment. They are also subjected at high rates to domestic violence, sexual violence, and have been victims of the so-called “honor killings.” The situation has become more worsening for them since last year after the Taliban regained control of the country, when drastic restrictions were imposed on their rights and freedoms.
  2. Syria
    The ongoing civil war in Syria has spelled the exceptionally worst situation for women. Tens of thousands lost their lives, were injured, or displaced from their homes. Women have been afflicted by sexual violence, including rape, forced prostitution, and sexual slavery by armed groups. Also, the need for survival and access to essential services continues to be new problems for women. The collapse of the state of Syria has left women vulnerable to easy exploitation, trafficking, and other forms of violence based on gender.
  3. Somalia
    Somalia is another country marked by ongoing flux and instability, and this has taken its toll on women. Women in this country face abnormally high levels of female genital circumcision, child marriages, and domestic violence, among other harmful traditional practices. These women also have limited access to health care, education, and economic opportunities. This weakness of the Somali state and the power of conservative patriarchal clan structures have reinforced the marginalization of women.
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo
    Indulged in civil war and violence for long, women paid with their lives to a greater percentage than men. Rape was an arm of war, and hundreds of thousands of their women and girls were sexually violence-ed. Women also have the challenge of very high rates of maternal mortality, female genital mutilation, child marriage, and other forms of gender-based violence. In conflict, the country was destroyed, and women were left with very little access to economic means, healthcare, and education.
  5. Pakistan
    Another country where women face severe challenges and threats to safety and well-being is Pakistan. Very high levels of domestic violence, honor killings, acid attacks, and other incidences of gender-based violence are the experiences of women in this country. Access to health care, education, and economic opportunities for women is very limited, and those in rural and conservative sections of the country face even bleaker prospects. The domination of the country by patriarchal culture and religious extremism has adversely oppressed and marginalized women.
  6. Central African Republic
    The country has been embroiled in a complicated and prolonged civil war that has taken its toll on women. Cases of sexual and gender-related assaults are ranked as the highest reported, which include rape, sexual slavery, and forced marriage. This, besides, makes it very difficult for women to access basic health care, education, and economic resources, particularly in remote and conflict-prone areas. The collapse of the state and a situation where armed groups have proliferated means that women are especially being exploited and abused.
  7. Yemen
    This is another country where the status of women is very vulnerable. The ongoing civil war has deteriorated the existing crises in the areas of high rate of child marriage, domestic violence, and female genital mutilation. They find impediments in healthcare, employment, and education and are subjugated under a patriarchal culture and the pressure of the conservative religious groups within the country, which further worsens their subordinate status in Yemeni society.
  8. Nigeria
    It is a country of not only incredible wealth and economic potential but of a disturbing record in the area of women’s rights and safety. Women in Nigeria are highly vulnerable to domestic violence, sexual abuse, and some brutal traditional practices, such as female genital mutilation. Added to this is their poor access to health care, education, and economic opportunities, especially in the northern regions of the country. The Boko Haram insurgency has really come down hard on women; they are either abducted, raped, or married off by force to terrorists.
  9. Libya
    The country of Libya has been torn apart with conflicts ever since the 2011 uprising that brought down the regime of Gaddafi. Women’s conditions have gradually become more precarious due to rape, human trafficking, exploitation, and other crimes. They also undergo hard difficulties in accessing relevant services and facilities, including health care and education. More precisely, women were very vulnerable and exposed when the Libyan state collapsed, and they had little in terms of redress or protection.
  10. South Sudan
    South Sudan, being the new country in the world, has been embroiled in a brutal civil war since independence in 2011. Women have had to bear a big part of the violence in the conflict, with cases of high sexual violence, forced displacements, and lack of access to public services, among other struggles. Apart from the abovementioned, another struggle women in South Sudan face includes a lot of cultural and legal impediments related to their rights and freedoms, for instance, child marriage, and underrepresentation in political and economic processes.
  11. Mali
    Mali is a country that has a history of political instability and armed conflict, which has really affected women. They have remarkably high rates of gender-based violence, including rape, sexual slavery, and forced marriage. They also have virtually no access to basic health care, education, and economic opportunities, particularly in remote and conflict areas. Of course, this has been exacerbated by the very weak rule of law in the country and the continued influence of conservative patriarchal cultural norms.
  12. India
    In spite of all the economic and technological improvement, India remains one of the most perilous countries for females. Women are globally known to come across many incidents of domestic level violence, sex crimes, and injurious practices such as dowry-related killings and so-called “honor” crimes. Moreover, women face limited access to health care, education, and economic resources, most especially in rural and marginalized environments. An entrenched patriarchal culture and the absence of effective legal and social protections have continued to promote the oppression and violence against women.
  13. Saudi Arabia
    Saudi Arabia has for long been an example of a repressive policy against their women, who are subjected to serious curtailing of their rights and freedoms. They are exposed to a really stringent system of male guardianship, under which they are restrained in decisions about education, work, health care, and even travels. Furthermore, there have been rampant cases of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of gender-based violence inflicted on the women, with very minimal chances of recourse or any other versions of legal protections. The rigid type of culture, heavily patriarchal and influenced by religious extremism, is mostly accountable for sustained subjugation of women.
  14. Iraq
    After over three decades of conflict and instability, Iraq portrays a scenario where women are mostly at the receiving end of the massive violence and trauma. They suffer alarmingly high rates of sexual violence, human trafficking, and other forms of gender-based acts of violence, including those performed by armed groups and militias. Besides, the women have a restricted ability to access such social services as health care and education, and to freely participate in the political and economic activities of the country.
  15. Afghanistan (again)
    At the top of the list as the most dangerous country in the world for women lies Afghanistan. Things have turned worse for women in Afghanistan since the Taliban took over the country in 2021. The Taliban have imposed extreme restrictions on the rights and freedoms of females, like prohibiting girls from getting any kind of secondary education, limiting their access to healthcare, and generally endorsing a very narrow view on the proper way to dress. Gender-based violence is very high, with cases of domestic violence and sexual violence intensively rising against women, who have little to no recourse or protection. The collapse of the state in Afghanistan points to the consolidation of conservative, patriarchal values and the absolute disaster it has spelled for the women of that country.

It is relevant to observe that these 15 countries form just a part of the most dangerous nations for women, and challenges and threats for them do not restrict themselves to these nations only. The discrimination, violence, and oppression against women are also widely spread in many parts of the world. Grappling with these systemic problems calls for a multifaceted approach that deals with the root causes of gender inequality, empowers women, nurtures leadership, and at the same time is tough on the perpetrators of violence and abuse.

At the end of the day, all the safety, security, and well-being of all women must be a global concern. It is by engaging in this fight to build more just and inclusive societies that we will ensure all women, regardless of their country of origin, live free from fear, violence, and discrimination.

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