Reality TV

The Golden Bachelor Season 1 Power Rankings (Episode 3) – Who Should Have Gone Home & Who Could Win


  • Gerry Turner continues to make connections with the women on The Golden Bachelor.
  • Ellen Goltzer, Leslie Fhima, and Faith Martin have all caught Gerry’s attention and share strong connections with him.
  • Hopefully, Gerry will find love with one of these remaining nine women.



On The Golden Bachelor season 1 episode 3, Gerry Turner continued to make connections with the women, who can be ranked by who would be best to win his heart. The Golden Bachelor stars 72-year-old Gerry, a retired restaurateur, who lost his beloved wife in 2017 after 43 years together. Gerry is now looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with from a group of 22 different women aged 60 or older.

So far on The Golden Bachelor, Gerry has made connections with several of the women, including first impression rose winner, Faith Martin, and one-on-one date recipients, Theresa Nist and Ellen Goltzer. Gerry said some painful goodbyes to women he eliminated at the rose ceremonies, and Marina Perera and Joan Vassos, who had to leave to go home to their families. During episode 3, Gerry also eliminated Christina Kempton and Edith Aguirre. He now has nine women remaining. Here’s how they rank by who has the best chance to win The Golden Bachelor.

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1 Ellen Goltzer

Ellen Goltzer is a 71-year-old retired teacher from Delray Beach, Florida. On episode 3, Ellen and Gerry shared a romantic one-on-one date, during which she received gifts of a Michael Costello designer gown, shoes, and a pair of earrings from Gerry. They then went on a hot air balloon ride, in which they shared a passionate kiss. Ellen and Gerry bonded about the early years of their respective marriages, and seem to share a wonderful connection. She would be a perfect match for him.

2 Leslie Fhima

The Golden Bachelor Leslie Fhima

Leslie Fhima, a 64-year-old fitness instructor from Golden Valley, Minnesota, has caught Gerry’s attention from the beginning. For her limousine entrance, she dressed as a much older woman with a walker, and then tossed it and her gray wig aside when Gerry asked if she needed help. Leslie is a professional dancer, who once dated Prince, and brings excitement to the group of women. At the talent show, she danced for Gerry, bringing her big personality to the stage. Leslie has a youthful energy, but she also shared with Gerry that she wears hearing aids like him. Although Leslie hasn’t had a one-on-one date yet, she has definitely caught his attention.

3 Faith Martin

Faith Martin The Golden Bachelor

Faith Martin is a 61-year-old local radio host and high school teacher from Benton City, Washington. During premiere night, she sang Gerry a song while playing the guitar. Gerry was so enthralled with Faith that he gave her his first impression rose. Although she hasn’t received a one-on-one date yet, it’s clear that they share a strong connection every time they spend time together. Faith would be a lovely partner for Gerry.

4 Theresa Nist

Theresa Nist The Golden Bachelor

Theresa Nist, a 70-year-old financial services professional from Shrewsbury, New Jersey, had a beautiful connection with Gerry during the first one-on-one date of the season. They bonded about their late spouses, and agreed that they had hope moving forward. Gerry was a bit concerned during The Golden Bachelor episode 3 because of the drama that ensued between Theresa and Kathy Swarts. Kathy felt that Theresa was boasting about her connection with Gerry. Kathy then told Gerry, without mentioning Theresa’s name, that meanness was directed at her. Gerry later spoke to Theresa about the issue. Even though they had a bump in the road, Gerry and Theresa’s bond seems very real.

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5 Nancy Hulkower

Nancy Hulkower The Golden Bachelor

Nancy, a 60-year-old retired interior designer from Alexandria, Virginia, bonded with Gerry during The Golden Bachelor episode 2. During the romance novel cover photo shoot, Nancy became upset when she wore a wedding dress for the first time since her wedding to her husband, Mark, who passed away 12 years ago after 36 years of marriage. Gerry could relate to Nancy’s sudden and unexpected feelings of grief that overwhelmed her because he’d experience similar situations. He then gave her the group date rose. Nancy is a sweet person who would make a fantastic match for Gerry.

6 Kathy Swarts

Kathy Swarts The Golden Bachelor

Kathy is a 70-year-old retired educational consultant from Austin, Texas. During Kathy’s one-on-one time with Gerry at The Golden Bachelor episode 3 cocktail party, she shared pictures of her father with him and cried as she spoke about how he taught her that being a good person is what matters in life. When she opened up about feeling that meanness was directed at her, without mentioning any names, Gerry was so touched, that he gave her a rose before the rose ceremony. It was Kathy and Gerry’s first real connection, and propelled their relationship forward.

7 April Kirkwood

April Kirkwood The Golden Bachelor

April Kirkwood is a 65-year-old therapist from Port St. Lucie, Florida. Although she’s become a fan favorite because of her funny commentary and personality, she and Gerry have yet to make a very strong connection. However, if he ever does choose her for a one-on-one date, he’s sure to find out what a caring person she is. She intervened to help smooth things over between Kathy and Theresa, and helped Nancy when she was upset about her husband who’d passed away, proving that she has a kind heart. Gerry would be lucky to have a partner like her.

8 Susan Noles

Susan Noles The Golden Bachelor

Susan is a 66-year-old wedding officiant from Aston, Pennsylvania. She has a great and funny personality. Although she hasn’t had a one-on-one date with Gerry yet, he’s kept her around for a reason. Everyone seems to enjoy her company, and she’d be a terrific partner for Gerry.

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9 Sandra Mason

Sandra Mason The Golden Bachelor

Sandra, a 75-year-old retired executive assistant from Doraville, Georgia, is also known for her funny personality. She told a hilarious joke during the episode 3 talent show, and always keeps everyone laughing. Gerry hasn’t given her a one-on-one date yet, but he obviously sees something special in her.

On The Golden Bachelor episode 3, Gerry continued to bond with the women. This group of nine will now move forward with him. Previews for the upcoming episodes show Gerry and the women making further connections with him, and enjoying their time together. Hopefully, Gerry will find the love he’s looking for with one of these women on The Golden Bachelor.

The Golden Bachelor airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. EDT on ABC.


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