Thousands of Canadians flood the streets to protect children as Trudeau and his minions fume


Thousands of Canadians gathered in major cities on Wednesday to protest against LGBT indoctrination in school.

Dubbed the “One Million March for Children,” the protest was driven by parents tired of their children being exposed to “gender ideology” at school, and parents who demand they be informed if their children begin questioning their so-called gender identity.

Organizers of the protest told CTV News that they’re not against LGBT people but rather the “premature sexualization and potentially harmful indoctrination” of children at school.

“I understand that children are being indoctrinated in the schools and they’re being sexualized,” protester Michelle Lindsey of the People’s Party of Canada told CBC News.

“Children are there to be educated — math, science, English, grammar and history and geography. Not about confusing them if they are a girl or a boy,” she added.

She too stressed that the protest isn’t about LGBT people but rather about “parental rights” and concerns that teachers are “keeping secrets from parents” when a child wants to “gender identify as another sex.”

Also present at the protest were counterprotesters.

“Protesters against LGBTQ-inclusive policies in schools carried signs with slogans such as ‘Protect childhood innocence’ and ‘Groom dogs not kids,’ while counter-protesters waved rainbow Pride and trans Pride flags, and chanted ‘trans rights are human rights’ and ‘go home bigots,’” according to CBC News.

The counterprotesters were supported by radically far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who took to Twitter to smear the protesters as hateful:

Among the protesters were also kids like Nabila Manna, a 13-year-old junior who told CBC News she doesn’t want to learn about gender identity in school.

“Last year, she said she refused to sit in class while the subject was being taught, and said it’s ‘crazy’ that students are asked how they prefer to be identified at school,” CBC News notes.

“I don’t want to learn about this,” she said. “I believe there’s two genders. They can believe whatever they want, but I believe there’s two genders. There’s a female and a male. That’s what I believe.”

The counterprotesters whom Trudeau staunchly supports were not very nice to the young teen.

“During an interview … a counter-protester approached and said ‘f–k you, fascist’ to the teen as the two engaged in a brief shouting match,” according to CBC News.

Yet, to hear the counterprotesters and their supporters tell it, it’s the protesters that are full of hate.

“As BC’s Human Rights Commissioner, I am disturbed by news of hate fueled marches planned for Sept. 20,” B.C. rights commissioner Kasari Govender tweeted a day before the protest.

“Peaceful demonstration is an important tool to protect democracy and generate debate. But I want to be very clear: the human rights of LGBTQ2SAI+ people are not up for debate,” she added.

The protests were reportedly inspired by a policy discussion that broke out in New Brunswick.

“In June, the government changed the province’s LGBTQ2S+ policy, requiring students under 16 to get parental consent before their teachers can use their preferred first names. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has filed a lawsuit against the province over the policy,” according to CTV News.

Premier Blaine Higgs reportedly attended the protests Wednesday and told reporters that he didn’t understand why the counterprotesters were up in arms about it.

“I think our parents should become knowledgeable about what their kids are being taught and what is important for them to learn in schools and what’s important for parents to make decisions on with kids that are under 16 years old,” he said.

Parents agree:


More scenes purportedly from the massive, and under-reported protests can be viewed below:


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