
‘Trust me, I will come’: Retired Israeli general gives gut-wrenching recount of rescuing son, grandkids

A retired major general for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) recalled the heart-rending moment when he vowed to his son that he would come and rescue him and his family from Hamas terrorists.

Noam Tibon, 62, raced to make good on his promise and save his son, journalist Amir Tibon, and his family, who were hiding in their home near the Gaza border as Hamas terrorists ravaged their village according to NBC News.

“You have to be quiet. You have to be locked,” he urged his son when he called from the home’s safe room. “Trust me, I will come. This is my profession. Nobody, nobody, can stop me.”

Noam Tibon and his wife both raced from Tel Aviv to Nahal Oz, about an hour and a half away. They rescued a number of survivors from the attack while fighting off Hamas militants as they ran to save their family.

The couple transported as many people as they could to a safe location away from the border. The father went back, arriving on the outskirts of Nahal Oz, where he pulled out a gun to join IDF fighters chasing away Hamas terrorists.

He took the time to help wounded Israelis retreat to a hospital before going back to look for his son and his family.

Tibon had given up his car to help transport the wounded. Another retired general, Israel Ziv, and two other men drove them into Nahal Oz. The men joined with the IDF in fighting Hamas as they arrived to free the families barricaded inside their homes.

“When I came to the area of my son’s house, there were at least five bodies of terrorists and Israeli soldiers killed,” Tibon remarked.

The son, who is a correspondent for Haaretz, was at home on Saturday when mortars began flying overhead at 6 a.m. according to the New York Post.

“He and his wife Miri immediately raced to the home’s safe room, a space in every house along the Gaza border built to withstand rocket fire, where his two young daughters — Galia, 3, and Carmel, 1 — were sleeping,” the media outlet added.

“When you live on the border with Gaza, attacks like this happen from time to time,” the son told The Atlantic in an interview. “You wait sometimes an hour, you pack your bags meanwhile, and when there is a break of a few minutes, you just shove the kids in the car and you go away from the border toward a more secure place.”

That break he was waiting for never came as gunfire went on and on and got closer to their home. They eventually could hear shouting in Arabic, confirming their worst fears that Hamas had breached their kibbutz.

“We’re going to die here,” the younger Tibon thought to himself.

After his father assured him that he was on his way, the son attempted to calm his daughters and keep them quiet. He told them to trust their parents.

“I have to do the same thing right now. I have to trust my father, who is a trustworthy man, that if he said he will come here and save us, he will do it,” he stated.

One of the son’s daughters recognized her grandfather’s voice on the other side of the armored window after he arrived and alerted the family.

“Grandfather is here,” she shouted.

“And that’s when we all just start crying. And that’s when we knew that we were safe,” the son recounted.

After being rescued, the father told his son about the violent terror attack unfolding in Israel.


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