
Two Women Withdraw Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Trey Songz Amid Payment Speculation

The two women who had accused American singer and actor Trey Songz of sexual assault at a party in 2015 have withdrawn their lawsuit, leading to speculations that the women were paid hefty sums to withdraw their allegations.

The two women, who were identified by their pseudonyms Jane Doe A and Jane Doe B, filed papers with Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Maureen Duffy-Lewis asking that the complaint be dismissed.

As per the court papers, which were obtained by a media house, an attorney filed to dismiss the case against Songz “without prejudice.”

The carefully worded statement also implied that the accusations were not false and the plaintiff can file the complaint anytime in the future.

It is still not clear if the lawsuit was dropped to regroup or if a settlement was reached.

Trey Songz had been charged in a lawsuit by two women who accused Songz of sexually molesting them at Songz’s Los Angeles house after being drugged.

The women had alleged that they had consumed a small amount of alcohol from a sealed bottle but fainted.

When they woke, they found Songz forcing himself on them. The women also alleged that Songz wanted both of them to take a shower with him, which they refused.

This led to Songz flying into a rage and starting to hurl expletives at the two women.

“You are little fucking girls, get the fuck out of my house.”

yelled Songz, according to two women.

The lawsuit suit stated,

“The atmosphere grew heavy, disturbingly, (and) while defendant Songz and his male associates did not drink alcohol, the plaintiffs and other female guests were coercively pressed to drink from unsealed liquor bottles, which were curiously full, and faced intense intimidation if they dared to decline,”

The two victims, Jane Doe A who lives in San Diego and Jane Doe B who lives in Denver, were invited by the ‘They Can’t Help but Wait’ singer to his home after attending his concert on August 2, 2015.

It is not the first time that the 39-year-old musician and R&B singer has been accused of sexual misconduct.

Last month, January 2024, as reported by TMZ, a woman accused the singer of pulling down her bikini top and exposing her back in 2013. Her case was, however, dismissed.

Netizens take a dig at Trey Songz

Netizens were quick to react to the news and accused the musician of using his financial clout to silence the two victims of his misdemeanor.

Many netizens pointed to the fact that the singer was repeatedly accused of numerous instances of sexual misconduct and there must be some truth in the accusations.

Trey Songz has not commented on the development.

Also Read: Barry Tubb Files Lawsuit Against Paramount Pictures Over Image Use in “Top Gun: Maverick”


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