
What Are “Puberty Blockers”, “Deadnaming”, and “Woke Mind Virus”? Elon Musk Says His Son Xavier Is “Dead”

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, in an interview, revealed that he was tricked into giving consent for his child to be put on puberty blockers. He also indicted the so-called ‘Woke Mind Virus,’ which, in a sense, killed his son.

Musk was talking to Dr. Jordan Peterson on Monday, and when asked about changing procedures on children, Musk labelled it as evil, a view supported by Dr. Peterson.

“My son is dead, killed by woke mind virus”, says Elon Musk

Musk also shared his experience with his child Xavier, who was administered puberty blockers and became transgender and has now assumed the name Vivian Jenna Wilson.

Musk said that he has now become aware of the ‘Woke Mind Virus’ and vowed that he will destroy it.

Musk told Dr. Peterson,

“It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This is before I had any understanding of what was going on. COVID was going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told Xavier might commit suicide if he doesn’t…”

When Peterson intervened and said that it was a lie from the beginning, Musk agreed and said that it was incredibly evil and that people who are promoting it must be sent to jail.

Elon Musk also labelled puberty blockers as just sterilization drugs. He added that when he gave consent for its use on his son, he was made to understand the process as gender-affirming care, which was a misnomer and did not exactly explain what the whole process entailed.

Elon Musk lamented that he had lost his son and agreed that he is “deadnaming” his son because, in reality, his son is dead and fell victim to the ‘Woke Mind Virus.’

What is “Deadnaming”?

For the unversed, deadnaming is the process when a transgender person changes his name as a part of his gender transition. As already mentioned, Musk’s son’s name, Xavier, changed to Vivian when he reached 18 years old.

What are ‘Puberty Blockers’?

Puberty blockers have a controversial existence and have been found to cause long-term fertility problems in boys, as revealed in a study by the Mayo Clinic which was completed earlier this year.

The study also revealed that the effects of puberty can be permanent and also disputed claims that its effects can be reversed.

Elon Musk’s son, Xavier, came out as transgender in June 2022, and then the 18-year-old filed a request to change his name to Vivian and also took her mother’s last name. Vivian had said then that she no longer wanted to be related to her biological father in any way.

The incident had a deep impact on Elon Musk.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law which barred school districts from informing parents if their child used different pronouns and identifies as a gender which is not akin to what is on school’s records. Musk termed it as the last straw. It also provoked him to move the California headquarters for SpaceX to Texas.

What is ‘Woke Mind Virus’?

The exact meaning of the term ‘woke mind virus’ is ambiguous. In general terms, it means practices that are overly progressive or negatively influence society or media.

Musk was very critical of the ‘woke mind virus’ and, in 2021, termed it as one of the biggest threats to modern civilization.

Elon Musk acquired Twitter in 2022 and renamed it X. He also promised to restore free speech on the social media platform. Since he purchased the platform, Elon Musk has increased his conservative political commentary. He has been particularly critical of ‘woke practices’ like gender-affirming care.

Gender-affirming care refers to a range of services for transgender and non-binary people, which help them become aware of their gender identity. Critics have termed the practice akin to child abuse.

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