TV News

Buffy’s New Slayer Indira Is Brought To Life In Video (With Spike, Cordelia, & Giles Weighing In)


  • In the new Audible audio drama, Slayers: A Buffyverse Story, Cordelia Chase is the “one and only slayer” in an alternate universe.
  • Spike teams up with the eager new Slayer, Indira, in the audio drama, but they start off on the wrong foot.
  • The audio drama explores the bickering bond between Indira and Spike, as well as their connections to Buffy Summers and the supernatural world.



A new slayer is brought to life in a new video, as Buffy the Vampire Slayer veterans like Spike, Giles, and Cordelia weigh in. In the new Audible sequel series, which takes place roughly a decade after the original show’s finale, the supernatural drama heads to an alternate universe where Cordelia Chase is the “one and only slayer.” But back in the Sunnydale that listeners remember, sixteen-year-old Indira Nunnally (voiced by newcomer Laya DeLeon Hayes) is one of the many who has had her powers activated.

A new video for Slayers: A Buffyverse Story, which is now available on Audible, shows Hayes in the role of the fangirly Indira.

The clip also includes the voices of Spike (James Marsters), Giles (Anthony Stewart Head), and Cordelia. Their quotes double as a preview of the audio drama, which pairs Spike and Indira up though they start off on the wrong foot.

How Slayerverse Brings in The New Slayer

Cordelia talks to Angel in episode You're Welcome

In the Audible audio drama, which consists of nine episodes, Spike attempts to track down a Watcher for his eager new Slayer protégé Indira. Their paths collide with the veteran Slayer of a parallel reality where Buffy Summers never existed. That veteran slayer is Cordelia Chase, and she needs Spike’s help to deal with Spike’s former flame Drusilla (Juliet Landau). But at least in its debut episode, the story is primarily invested in drawing out the bickering bond between the newbie slayer and the blonde vamp.

The duo gets off on the wrong foot, as Indira is more interested in dusting Spike, until she realizes his history and connection with Buffy. From that point, Indira wants to gossip about Spike’s relationship with Buffy. Even though this annoys Spike greatly, he feels an obligation to the young slayer who is just coming into her powers and may not grasp the enormity of her situation.

Related: 10 Important Reveals From Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s New Sequel

The audio drama, which is co-written and directed by Christopher Golden and Amber Benson, who also returns as Tara Maclay, as well as co-directed by Kc Wayland, echoes the bond between Dawn and Spike, but it also offers a window of what a new live-action Buffy the Vampire Slayer project might actually consist of if it ever got off the ground. Talks have swirled back and forth regarding a proper follow-up, with a reboot originally announced in 2018, only to confirmed to have stalled in development in 2022. Disney’s acquisition of Fox has also sparked rumors of a proper Buffy the Vampire Slayer revival with the original cast for Disney+, though with these yet to be confirmed, Slayers: A Buffyverse Story is sure to come as a welcome expansion of the long-running franchise.

Source: Audible/Twitter


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