Migrants trample officials in rush to get to asylum office – video


Don’t look now but there’s another massive wave of illegal immigrants invading our southern border, as the “wretched refuse” of the world — invited or not — look to partake in what remains of America’s milk and honey, and Republican politicians look the other way as the Biden administration “fundamentally transforms” America.

With the number of migrants crossing illegally into the United States somewhere north of 7 MILLION since President Biden took office a little over two and a half years ago, the greatest irony here is that no one addresses the fact that none of this is organic. Migrants show up and talk about being promised jobs and assistance, yet there is zero media interest in who is behind the tremendous organization required to deliver people by the millions to our doorstep OR the ensuing humanitarian crisis this causes.

A video out of Mexico captures the human suffering being prompted by Biden and the Democratic Party, as hundreds of migrants stormed an asylum office demanding legal documents.

Migrants from Honduras, Cuba, and Haiti are seen trampling over each other on Monday, knocking down metal barricades and storming the office in Tapachula that’s operated by the Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid.

The papers they seek are part of the ruse that allows them to travel freely and undisturbed through Mexico to the U.S. border, where once they enter the country the odds are astronomically in their favor that they will eventually be released into the country.

Cuban Miguel Argoten told The Associated Press he has been waiting in Tapachula for a week to begin his asylum process at the office. The news agency said there are up to 2,000 application appointments every day.

“It’s very complicated, there are too many people here, the Haitians get desperate,” Argoten said. “They knock over the barricades and that only makes the process slower.”

Asylum claims in Mexico have skyrocketed, reaching over 100,000 so far this year, according to ABC News — numbers that exceed the past two years.

Andrés Ramírez Silva, the director of Mexico’s refugee agency, recently predicted his agency may receive 150,000 asylum applications, which is well above the 129,000 record set in 2021, the network reported.

“Effectively we have a pace that is very above what we have in our record year that was 2021,” Ramírez Silva said.

The frustrating thing for American citizens is that there is not a damn thing they can do about the human invasion that taxes our resources and forces many to compete with foreign nationals in the country illegally for jobs and housing — except vote for politicians who refuse to look the other way.

The problem is so severe that Reuters reported on Wednesday that U.S. authorities have suspended cargo processing at the Juarez crossing “to allow its officers at the site to assist Border Patrol in processing migrants.”


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