Ted Cruz predicts exactly who Dems will ‘parachute in’ to save the day when they boot Biden


The ongoing struggles of President Joe Biden have led to much speculation that he won’t be running for reelection next year after all and Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) shared his theory on who could be tabbed as his replacement.

With polls piling up showing that voters have serious questions about the geriatric career politician’s age and health issues, the Democratic Party is desperately in need of a savior if it becomes necessary to pull the plug on Biden. And there are few who have the star power to salvage control of the White House.

One of them is, of course, former first lady Michelle Obama and the Texas Republican thinks that she will be the choice when party brass makes the call to “jettison” the flailing octogenarian and that they will “parachute” her in to save the day next summer after the Democratic National Convention.

Cruz made his prediction that Mrs. Obama – a bonafide global celebrity – could be subbed out for Biden which would avoid the problems of what would likely be a divisive battle between ambitious politicians Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Vice President Kamala Harris for the spot on the latest edition of his “The Verdict With Ted Cruz” podcast.

“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely, and most dangerous,” Cruz told co-host Ben Ferguson. “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”

(Video: YouTube/Verdict with Ted Cruz)

“I view this as a very serious danger,” he continued. “So Michelle Obama number one, you don’t infuriate African-American women which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win, but number two, you avoid the problem – if you pick from any one of the four, the other three are pissed – because they’re all to some extent peers, they’re rivals they’re all jabbing knives at each other.”

“Michelle Obama because she was first lady, has the ability to kind of parachute in above all four and say ‘hey, we’re not picking among any of you. You guys can all fight it out next time, you’re all gonna be on the same level, we’re coming, this is the Obamas saving the day,” he said.

“And I think in terms of a solution that unifies Democrats, there ain’t nothing like that,” Cruz added. “I also think Michelle is not all that eager to run for president but to parachute in in August of 24 a couple of months before the presidency and suddenly wake up and be president…it’s not a bad gig at all.”

“I don’t know if she would do it. I do think Barack Obama is already running the Biden administration,” he said. “I think he is already the puppet master, behind this Biden White House, I don’t think Joe Biden is the decision maker. And so, when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, I think the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August of 2024 have risen dramatically.”

“And that ought to scare the hell out of anyone who is unhappy about the direction this country is going and doesn’t want us to go even crazier in an even worse direction,” Cruz said.

“The odds that Joe Biden may not be the nominee in 2024 have risen significantly,” Cruz posted to X on Monday. “Democrats are getting nervous that two-thirds of Americans think he is too old to be president. They are getting nervous about the mounting evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corruption. “Even the corrupt corporate media is starting to turn on Joe Biden.”

Other than maybe Oprah Winfrey, the former FLOTUS is the only one who could stave off a revolt among the crucial demographic of black voters – especially black women – if VP Kamala Harris doesn’t get the nod if and when Biden is jettisoned and it is imperative to the party’s continued control that they keep that part of the base on the Democratic Party plantation.

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