
King of the Hill’s Hank & Bobby Become Batman & Robin in Hilarious Fanart

Many characters from across pop culture have donned the capes of Batman and Robin – with the latest being King of the Hill’s Hank and Bobby, as seen in a recent piece of fan art by artist Christ Haley (@thechrishaley) which has thrilled fans of the Dynamic Duo and the Fox animated sitcom alike.



In a post on Twitter, Haleyshared his one-of-a-kind and hilarious rendition of Batman and Robin, with Hank donning the Dark Knight’s cowl and Bobby take up Robin’s red, yellow, and green.

Haley is known for his work with ComicsAlliance and is a DC enthusiast, whose love for comics and talent in artistry shines through in his recent fanart.

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Hank & Bobby Are Ready To Defend The Dark Streets Of Arlen

Chris Haley King of the Hill/Batman & Robin fan art; Hank is Bruce, Bobby is Robin

Haley’s post came in response to the ongoing Twitter trend of “drop something yellow,” where artists and content creators are encouraged to share art that has yellow as a main color. Haley’s post featured a yellow background and the yellow in Robin’s and Batman’s classic costumes, aligning with the trend perfectly. Hank and Bobby are depicted wearing the classic and equally iconic costumes of Batman and Robin, with both father and son maintaining their typical demeanor and physique. The artist brings a unique twist to the characters’ design, beautifully letting Hank and Bobby’s personalities shine through by incorporating unique details.

In Bobby’s case, the boy is wearing his typical style of outfit, shorts and a t-shirt, but with the Robin twist to it. Hank is depicted in the Batsuit and is noticeably clenching what looks like a can of BatSpray in his hand, a clever callback to the beer that typically occupies the propane tank salesman’s right hand. The art is brilliantly hilarious and has been met with an astounding fan reception. Hank and Bobby couldn’t be more different than Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson (or any Robin, for that matter), and that is precisely what makes this fanart not only amusing but also incredibly memorable.

DC Needs More Crossover Events With Other Fandoms

Batman and Mystery Inc in an alleyway together in Scooby-Doo Batman The Brave and the Bold

While Bruce Wayne, the brooding billionaire with a dark past, embodies the solemnity and gravitas of Batman, Hank Hill is the embodiment of an average, down-to-earth, propane-selling Texan. Similarly, Bobby Hill is a far cry from the young, acrobatic, and witty Dick Grayson. Yet, despite their differences, there is no doubt that Dick Grayson, the king of puns and quips, would be delighted by Bobby’s own attempts at humor, and encourage the aspiring young comedian. Fanart that combines different fandoms is not only a treat to fans from both involved fandoms, but also feeds fans’ imagination and desire to see crossover events.

Crossovers like Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold are typically well received by fans, and fanart like Haley’s piece remind fans and content creators of all the possibilities out there. While a King of the Hill and Batman crossover is unlikely in the near future, fanart like this is sure to get a kick out of fans of both franchises, sparking creativity and discussions about the limitless potential of combining beloved characters and universes. In an age where fan creativity thrives, it’s exciting to see such unexpected, yet amusing crossovers, like the hilarious melding of King of the Hill’s Hank and Bobby with the iconic Batman and Robin.

Source: thechrishaley


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