
The Titans Just Proved They Should Stay Earth’s Protectors


  • Titans prove their worth as the Justice League’s replacements by actively working to repair the world.
  • Titans and Swamp Thing combine efforts to restore the Borneo rainforest, seeing it as a first step towards greater ecological protection.
  • The Titans should continue as the leading superhero team, thinking about the future, even when the Justice League reform in the future.

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Titans #5!The Justice League may come back one day, but the Titans are doing just fine as the iconic team’s replacements. Things haven’t been exactly easy for the team since they were asked to fill the void left by the League. But Nightwing and his allies are proving that they were the right people for the job.

In Titans #5 by Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott, the team has finally stopped the damage to the Borneo rainforest and decide to restore it. The team recruits the current Swamp Thing, Levi Kamei, to help them repair the damage to the area.

Titans Repair Rain Forest DC

Through the Titans and Swamp Things’ combined efforts, they manage to bring flora and fauna back to the destroyed parts of the rainforest. Swamp Thing calls the effort a stopgap, but Nightwing and Beast Boy see it as a first step. They tell him that the Titans are trying to do more for the planet and even offer Swamp Thing membership, which he accepts.

The Titans are Actively Helping Repair the World

Swamp Thing Joins the Titans DC

After the events of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Justice League felt it was time to disband and allow the next generation of heroes to take their place. The League stepped aside for the Titans to become the DC Universe’s leading superhero team and they didn’t take that responsibility lightly. They began coordinating with other hero teams, leading rescue efforts, and taking a bigger presence on the global stage. Their new mission has even caught the attention of Amanda Waller and Peacemaker, the former of which is not happy to have young, forward-thinking heroes in such an influential position.

While the Justice League has repeatedly saved the world from threats as destructive as Darkseid or the Anti-Monitor, it’s not enough to just stop supervillains. The world is facing threats that have long-lasting impacts such as ecological damage. When the Titans stepped up to protect the world, they could have just fought the same villains the League did and called it a day. But the team is thinking of the best long-term ways they can save the Earth and acting accordingly. Instead of just punching villains’ lights out, the Titans are doing what the Justice League wasn’t: Repairing the world instead of just saving it.

The Justice League Shouldn’t Replace the Titans

Titans walking heroically, featuring Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, Nightwing, Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, and Flash

It’s almost guaranteed the Justice League is going to reform at some point, and while the world could always use more heroes, the Titans should stay right where they are. They’ve gone above and beyond what was asked of them and they should stay on this path for as long as possible. The world needs heroes that are thinking about tomorrow just as much as today. While the Justice League would certainly be welcome to return, they should make way for the Titans as they continue being the heroes the world needs.

Titans #5 is on sale now from DC Comics.


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