
Nintendo Guidelines: Why do they ignore game ideas by fans?

Nintendo has been under heavy criticism recently due to the controversial changes in their community guidelines. Many believe these changes could end fan-led events and tournaments based on Nintendo IPs. But this is not Nintendo’s only blunt approach towards their fan base.

For years, aspiring game developers and veteran fans have tried to pitch ideas for new games and new innovations for established IPs. But each time, Nintendo has opted to drop them rather coldly. But why does this happen? Why doesn’t Nintendo take requests and ideas from fans? Let’s find out!

Nintendo guidelines for ignoring unsolicited games and ideas from fans

Nintendo’s official policy is to not accept unsolicited game or product ideas. While Nintendo receives hundreds of suggestions and questions about their games and systems each week, they do not accept unsolicited ideas due to the volume of requests they receive and the resources it would take to process them.

For years, fans have tried to convince Nintendo to change this policy and let the community have a little more input into their products. Not only did the Japanese giants stay firm to their ideals, but they even went as far as cruelly striking down many fan-made projects with ‘copyright infringement’ charges.

However, there have been many who have spoken in Nintendo’s favor, as they believe that if the gates were opened, there would be so much chaos that it would become impossible for them to function as a global company and experiment with their products and IPs.

Nintendo guidelines

However, not everything is grim, as Nintendo also encourages aspiring game developers to learn about game design and development and offers assistance to established video game developers looking to get their products licensed by Nintendo.

Nintendo’s policy is legally required to state that they do not accept suggestions and return unsolicited manuscripts unopened. Nintendo’s commitment to being on the leading edge of game and hardware development means that they are constantly at work developing new and exciting products and games.

Implementing ideas that are completely original and home-brewed will deliver exactly what they want to their users. So far, this ideal has worked very well for the company, so there are little to no chances that Nintendo will change this policy in the near future.

How does Nintendo handle fan feedback and suggestions?

Nintendo values fan feedback and interaction, but they do not accept unsolicited ideas due to the volume of requests they receive and the resources it would take to process them.

The Japanese gaming giant has a history of engaging with its fans through various means, such as social media, events, and fan clubs. Nintendo has also shut down fan-made games using their IPs, but they have a more intolerant posture toward fan games compared to other gaming companies.

Nintendo Switch 2

Nintendo has released guidelines for small-scale tournaments involving its games, which has birthed many controversies. Some even think these new guidelines could be the end of community led events and tournaments.

They also have guidelines for online video and image-sharing platforms, encouraging users to create videos that include their creative input and commentary but in a restricted manner. Overall, Nintendo values fan feedback and interaction, but they have policies that could make individuals face severe charges if not implemented properly.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so be sure to follow them as well.

Feature image source: Nintendo

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