TV Features

Why It’s Good Stranger Things Didn’t End With Season 1 (Despite Later Seasons’ Problems)



  • Stranger Things’ expansion from a self-contained sci-fi tale to a global story has captured the interests and imaginations of people worldwide. Ending the show prematurely would have missed out on the opportunity to explore a sprawling and captivating world.
  • Multiple seasons of Stranger Things have allowed the show to flesh out its world and characters in a way that a limited series wouldn’t have been able to. The development of the Upside-Down, the origins of its entities, and the growth of characters like Will and Steve have all been made possible by the show’s multi-season format.
  • The later seasons of Stranger Things introduced some of the show’s best characters, like Max and Robin, whose presence has added depth and entertainment to the storyline. The addition of these characters, along with others like Murray and Erica, has further enriched the show and made it more enjoyable.



Though the later seasons of Stranger Things have some issues, it’s good that the show didn’t end with the first season. Streaming franchises are the new thing in Hollywood, but Stranger Things came out at a time when it was still a new field. It has since expanded from a self-contained sci-fi tale about kids in a small town in the United States to a sprawling global story that has captured the interests and imaginations of people around the world. Now the show is set to end with season 5, and while Stranger Things season 1 was certainly entertaining and engrossing, so much would’ve been missed if it ended prematurely.

Stranger Things‘ original plan was different; it was pitched as an anthology series, with Eleven’s story ending after one season. Considering how far Stranger Things has come, it’s hard to imagine the story of Eleven, Will, and the Upside-Down concluding after only a few episodes. Nothing would’ve been known about what the Upside-Down truly was, what the Demogorgon was, where everything came from, and how it all tied into the Cold War. It’s great that Netflix decided to greenlight Stranger Things as a full-blown series rather than an anthology, giving the show more time to tell its story and allow viewers to fall in love with the characters.

Multiple Seasons Allowed Stranger Things To Flesh Out Its World

Stranger Things season 4 Robin Steve Nancy in the Upside Down

A Stranger Things limited series could’ve fleshed out its world, but not to the extent that the show has done thus far across multiple seasons. It’s inevitable that additional seasons of any sci-fi or fantasy series will expand upon the world, lore, and characters, but very few have gone to the extent that Stranger Things has. Stranger Things‘ scale has changed so much that there’s room for numerous spinoffs – easy ones, too. In season 4 alone, the Mind Flayer, Upside-Down, and Hawkins Lab all received organic origin stories; the show even went as far as to show how the passage of time works within the Upside-Down, and how Will was able to communicate with his mother in season 1. All of that would’ve remained unexplained if the show ended with season 1.

Stranger Things‘ continued evolution isn’t limited to the Upside-Down and its villains. Multiple seasons of Stranger Things have also allowed the characters to be further fleshed out and grow. Will’s story in particular has developed over the course of the series; he’s dealt with trauma after being kidnapped and taken to the Upside-Down, and his sexuality has also become a major topic within the show and community. Stranger Things has also developed Steve Harrington, so much so that he’s become one of the fandom’s favorite characters, much of which was earned by his portrayal in season 2. The ability to further develop characters and strengthen their relationships is a major benefit of Stranger Things‘ multi-season story.

Stranger Things’ Other Seasons Introduced Its Best Characters

A side-by-side image of Robin and Max, who is smiling, from Stranger Things

If Stranger Things had ended with season 1, the show would have been deprived of some of its best characters. Introduced in Stranger Things season 2, Max has become a fan-favorite character thanks to her snarky brand of humor and captivating storyline in the fourth season. She was a breath of fresh air, thankfully bringing more female representation to the Party, and the show wouldn’t be the same without her presence. Stranger Things‘ Robin is also a fantastic later addition to the series; not only is her quick wit great, but her dynamics with both Steve and Nancy are delightful and make Stranger Things even better.

Stranger Things season 1 had a solid cast, but the additions made in later seasons are a benefit to the show. Characters like Robin, Max, and Eddie in Stranger Things make the show even more entertaining due to their personalities and dynamics with the other characters. A limited series would have definitely reduced the number of characters, and while there are viewers who would prefer Stranger Things to have a smaller cast, many of the supporting characters, such as Murray or Erica, further enrich the show and make it more entertaining. The later seasons of Stranger Things have flaws, but the show is still better by being a multi-season story.


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